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As it rained heavily outside, conversations were going on all around the small cafe. The atmosphere was dismal and dark, with a light breeze occasionally blowing in from the outside as people hurried inside.

That's how I felt right now—terrified, irritated, frightened, and sick. It was a perplexing feeling as nausea prevented me from finishing my wonderful cup of coffee with my muffin.

"He's alright, Juliet."

He is fine.


"Is he?" I took a breath, which caused the room to spin. My head was constantly filled with images of the car crash that was all over the news, and Harry's car was ruined. As well as the other driver, who was unfortunately in critical condition.

They collided from the front, sending the car spinning and hitting a tree. Harry made it out, as his car blew up with smoke.

I believe I lost it when Louis told me about Harry's news. I was completely lost for words. I had a panic attack I'd never experienced before. Louis and Abby gently reminded me to breathe, allowing me to calm down.

It was hard.

Panic attacks are always hard. My throat felt like it was closing up on me, sweat building up, the room spinning, and my heart thumping in my chest with each second that went by.

It got worse and worse until I was unable to tell myself anything. I don't know why I'm so worried. Why should I care about Harry if he didn't care about me when he left me in the middle of nowhere?

But no matter how much I tried to not care, my heart yelled at me to take a flight to Trinidad and Tobago and find him.

Make sure he's breathing; make sure he's safe. Even now, I'm not sure if he's still alive. Not a single message or call back from Harry, and it was making me sick.

I smoked and drank coffee till I felt sick to my stomach, trying to think of something good but failing.

I can only picture him lifeless in a ditch, his body rotting.

Abby sat in front of me—she was wearing a Louis Overside Geeen sweatshirt. We were getting close to December, and there was a strong breeze outside. A ponytail, as she does most days, and she grinned at me endearingly. Her eyes were a brilliant shade of brown

I don't know how she maintains her positive attitude all the time. "What will happen if he dies?"

"He will not die darling." Abby shakes her head flicking her head toward my grilled cheese, "Eat." I took a big breath, shook my head, and combed my hair with my hand.

I can't eat. Not when it felt like someone was ripping my stomach apart.

"Harry sometimes drives me crazy." "Why does he think it's okay to leave me in the middle of nowhere, go somewhere else, and get into a car accident?" I bit my inner cheeks roughly shaking my head, "This is Ridiculous."

"Excuse me." I paused before continuing to speak and turned to look at the girl who was nearby. She had long, straight hair that ended around her waist and was a brunette with some blonde highlights. My gaze slid down to her full, thick thighs and full shape; her long-sleeved top still wonderfully complemented her figure; it had a low v-cut that showed her cleavage and full, perky breasts that spilled from her shirt.

"Hi," I uttered, smiling at her, and she smiles as well, her cheeks tinting with a rosy color. Even though she appeared frightening, Abby returned her smile.

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