916 42 36

Trigger warning: mentions of self-harm,

violence and physical abuse


It was like a devil was inside forming me to do sinister things. Like it encouraged me to kill him over and over till he felt every ounce of pain I did. Maybe my pain wasn't physical but my heart hurt, and my stomach felt sick. I felt anxious knowing that my family life was in the hands of this evil man.

A man I didn't even know existed. "Please don't hurt him." the woman says but her words go straight past me when I struck him with my gun, blood pouring from the side of his head. He yells and leans forward, blood dripping on the ground. "Tell me who they are, or I swear to God I will kill her and enjoy every second of it."

As these words left my lips, the woman begged, her words echoing throughout the small office.

"We had a deal."

"Yeah, well deal is over or I'll kill her." I pushed Vincent and slammed him against the wall, using him to vent my frustration. "All because you were in love with a whore." The words spat from my mouth, and Vincent launched at me, hitting me with equal force. I stumbled back and immediately regained my balance while chaos erupted in the room—Liam grabbing the man and trying to hold him back as I ran my thumb over my mouth wiping away the blood that dripped from my lips. "Hit a nerve?" I grinned.

"Deals over. Hope they kill that bitch." he spat anger flashing through his brown eyes, turning dark. "Hope they kill her like they killed Rose."

"Just like I'll kill yours, right?" I take a step back and watch him struggle under Liam's hold. I pointed the gun at the woman, hearing him yell curse words at me. " Well I think your kids have something to do with Rose's murder" He stayed silent and my eyes met his. "Beg and I won't kill her."

"Please don't kill her," he says, taking in a breath. "Please, okay? I will tell you right now. Please don't." He begs and begs, his pleas sounding pathetic.

"Who are they?" Walking towards him, I asked, the woman's cries turning into prayer—her eyes shut as she repeatedly shook her head, hoping for a miracle. However, miracles are not real. They're illusions.

"Quinn, Vincent junior and," he looked away, he sacrificed the life of his kids to save his woman. He could have tried harder to protect her. Never should open doors to a bunch of men at this time. But not everyone has brain cells.

"And who else?" I asked knowing he was missing one more kid. "Who else?" I knew this last person was important. He was protecting this person. I pulled on the trigger purposefully missing. She yells her hands wrapping around her head crying louder.

"Fine. I will tell you." Vincent says look at me and then at his girlfriend. He sucked in a breath and closed his eyes.

"My daughter, Gwen." 

I took a step back to look at Zayn. Gwen? As in Gwen, Juliet's friend. She would never deliberately hurt her. What. Gwen? I was angry for Juliet—angry that I had let it slip by. Juliet's friend turned against her. With my anger boiling, I pulled the trigger once, twice, three times, and even four times. Her body jerked each time a bullet entered and exited. There was not a single thought in her mind or a moment to suffer.

I inhaled deeply as blood splattered on the wall. I have no regrets. I felt like I was on fire—like I was lit up and never going to stop. I stare down at the dead body. Blood pooled around her body. I looked at Vincent and he stood there shocked, his face changing color.

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