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I inhaled deeply, knocking on his front door. After a few moments, Harry opened the door. He grins and says, "Good morning, princess."

As I watched Harry, I grin from ear to ear sarcastically. His tie was hanging limply around his neck, and he was wearing a black button-up shirt with many of the buttons undone.

He was carrying sippy cups, and his pants were undone. " Hello."

"Staring is extremely impolite."

"I wasn't staring." I clarified. I doubt that I will ever stop being astounded by how big this house is for just three people, no matter how often I enter it.

He can throw a party for 500 people and still have room for more. "I'm running a little late." He hands me two cups. One in sage green and one in pink. "They're in the playroom, watching TV."

"Am I supposed to know where the playroom is?" I raise my head, looking at him. Harry placed his hands on my back and pushed me towards two large doors.

"Don't think you'll miss it there." I teasingly smile at him and walk towards the playroom.

"Jesus!" My lips parted and my eyes darted in all directions. This playroom was even bigger than my apartment. It had two levels, with stairs leading up to a smaller playroom with a big slide that led to a ball pit. indoor swings, their names written in cursive on the wall. There was a jungle section, another ball pit, monkey bars, a big TV on a wall, and colorful floors and walls. A bucket full of toys

There was a section in the back that looked like a bed with a television inside, bookshelves, a play kitchen, a market, and a doctor's office. This was every child's dream. Toys were strewn about the floor, and a small fridge was stocked with juice and water.

The girls look up from the long black couch with big smiles on their faces when they notice me.

" Juliet!" I smiled as they both screamed.

"Good morning girls," I murmured. "Now, can you guys help me out here? Whose is the green cup?"

"Mine, mine!" Azriela giggled and extended her hands to me, "Green is my favorite color."

"Green is a lovely color." My gaze shifts to Marceline, her hands pressed against her mouth, an eager expression on her face. I knew the pink cup belonged to her, but I also knew she was waiting for me to ask.

"Now whose cup is the pink one?"

" Mine!" Marceline yells, leaping into her position. "My favorite color is pink." She turns her head.

"Pink is a pretty color." I smiled, handing her the pink cup. "What are you drinking?"

"Milk," she uttered, sticking her tongue out.

"Do you want some?"

I creased my brow, shaking my head. "No, but thanks." Marceline hums, her gaze returning to the television.

"Juliet," Harry calls for me; he was standing outside the playroom.

" Yeah?" Harry was now fully dressed, with his button done and a tie on.

"I put my card and some cash on the kitchen counter in case you wanted to get some food. I assume you're not a very good cook." He beams.

"How would you know?"

"Your kitchen speaks for itself." My mouth opened wide. "Ramen noodles? Microwave macaroni? Aren't you supposed to eat healthy because it's good for you?"

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