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Suddenly, as he was leaning in, I pushed away. I made a fist with my hands as I closed my eyes. "We shouldn't."

Harry steps back and looks down at me, the smell of alcohol filling my nostrils. Harry grips my jaw and turns so I can look at him. "Scared again?"

I first glanced into his eyes before descending to his lips. "Our kiss was a mistake. A mistake that shouldn't happen again."

"So you're going to go off to Kasen?" I rolled my eyes, recalling what Kasen had done to me.

" No." I sigh, "I'm not talking to Kasen again; what he did hurt. I dressed up only to sit on the floor next to you."

"You make that sound like a bad thing." I placed my hands on his chest as he grinned with his lips curled into a sneer.

"It is a bad thing." I smiled. Harry shook his head and pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth.

"You learned things about me after begging; I'll consider it a plus." I scowl at him, but all he does is smile back. "Stand up," he murmured, rising to his feet and extending a hand.

" What?" I look up at him in confusion.

"C'mon, stand up," and I do, ignoring his help and pulling down on my dress as it rises on its own.

Harry's eyes dipped down as I said, "Okay, I'm up," while crossing my arms over my chest. He glances away while running his tongue over his lips.

"Do you want to change or do you want to stay in the dress?" I arched my brow.

" Why? What are we doing?" I bit my inner cheeks while uncomfortably gazing up at him.

He smooths his hair with his hand. "I promised my daughters that I would take you to their ballet show; I don't like upsetting them."

"You're taking me?" I smiled, looking down at my outfit. "I should probably change. I looked like a slut."

Harry laughs, his eyes gliding down my body. "You'll annoy a lot of parents. I think the dress should stay on—plus, I kind of like this view."

I rolled my eyes and moved in front of him. "You like this view?" He grabs my jaw, nodding.

"Fuckin' makes me want to crave your body." My eyes dipped toward his mouth, and I so badly wanted to kiss him, but I pulled back.

"I'm sorry, it'll only be a dream of yours." I pout as his free hand rests on my hips.

"Till the dreams became reality." Harry firmly holds my jaw, placing his fingers on my bottom cheeks, causing my inner cheeks to rub against one another. I whimper, staring up at him in pain, and he smiles, "You'll realize sooner or later that your body craves mine just as much as mine craves yours."

I gripped his wrist, and his touch sent fireworks through my body. It was like I was getting used to his touch. He releases his hold on my face, and I move back a step.

"My body does not crave yours." I muttered, "I have to go grab something—don't think about me too much," and turned on my heel. I smiled when I heard him scoff. Walking into my room I take my phone, my wallet, and a tiny purse before making my way back toward Harry.

Harry was sitting on the couch, looking down at his phone, as I entered. He looks up when I arrive and turns it off. "Ready?" he asks, and I nod.

I asked softly, "Can you stop at a flower shop? I want to get the girls some flowers," and when Harry didn't respond, I silently hated myself as I cautiously made my way to the elevator, trying not to trip.

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