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My body suddenly felt very hot—groaning pain shooting in my back, a weight on my chest preventing me from moving,

I grumble and peek my eyes open before quickly closing them as reaction to the brightness. I put my hands over my eyes to prevent the sunlight and the flow of memories rushes in. I fell asleep with Juliet. Memories about what we did last night.

Juliet was still sitting next to me; her head on my chest, a hand on my heart, both of her legs crossed over mine, snoring lightly.

She was gleaming in the sunlight, her smooth skin shimmering, and her thin, purple cotton underwear was peeking from under her shirt that rode up and brunch around her waist.

Juliet tosses and turns in her sleep, scrunching up her face before regaining her composure. "Tellement jolie," I murmured, "Tu me fais des choses dangereuses."

Her hand closes to a fist, and she groans. "Morning." I grinned, and she fluttered her eyes open and shut them again.

I don't know what's getting into me recently. I let Juliet get this close to me, but I was completely mesmerized by her. Her pretty skin, and her light brown eyes, would glow when she thought of something that was "funny" or when she would look at my daughters, or when she would tell me a story. Her full, soft pink lips—how perfect and kissable they look.

I can't get her off my mind.

"What are you even saying?" she asks murmuring a sorry, laying down on her bed and running a hand over her hair. "Shut up. it's too early,"

I murmured. "You need to get up for work." My voice was husky and deep. Juliet made a faint groan of distress. turning her head to look at me once more. "When are you going to let me tattoo you again?" I asked out of the blue as I noticed all the bare parts of her body and how pretty my marks will look on her. Juliet chuckles and pulls back a bit, causing both of us to get fixed on one another.

We had one another's eyes locked in silence. Juliet places her hand firmly against my cheeks and glides her fingers over my lips and down my jaw. Her brows furrowed as she thought about whatever was on her mind while she smiled.

"When you let me tattoo you." Juliet raises herself to her elbows, her eyes brightening.

" Yeah?" My gaze is met by hers, and she nods. "What will you tattoo on my body? mhm?" She shrugs and nibbles her bottom lip.

"A star."

"A star?" I laugh. "Why a star?" Juliet chews on her bottom lip and lays back down, turning her face away from the sunlight. "Because stars are pretty." She stays silent for a while, and I begin to wonder what she is thinking. Her gaze returns to me, and she beams, her eyes sparking, her cheeks turning slightly pink, and her pink, plump lips turning upwards. "What will you tattoo on me?"

My hand lands on her hips, nails digging into her skin. She lets out a whimper, and my eyes fly to meet her. Juliet rolls her eyes and giggles once again as humiliation spreads across her cheeks. My palm lands flat on her waist, and I pull her closer, cupping her face and breathing out a soft laugh. My thumb traced over her lower lip as I said, "I'll tattoo my name right here," causing her eyes to briefly widen before rolling once again.

"No, the fuck you won't." Her cheeks lighten in color as she chuckles. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were sparkling and getting brighter like stars.

That's what she was. A star. Always shining so brightly despite all of the pain. Always beautiful and glowing, no matter what.

"Why not?" I chuckled. Juliet shifts on the ground and sits up, groaning, and my arms feel empty; I can no longer see her face. The way Juliet reacted to my words and my hands touching her soft skin

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