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I came to a halt in front of the hosts, taking a deep breath and pushing my curly hair behind my ear.

Looking at the young woman, I noticed how she stood tall with a smile on her face and her hands folded in front of her body. "Hello, ma'am, do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, it's a party of three, I believe under the name Zayn Malik," I murmured, and she smiled as she looked down at a screen.

"Zayn Malik?" She repeats, "Your party is here; would you like to place your coat in the closet?" I nod as she tilts her head.

"Yes, please," I said as I unzipped my jacket and handed it to her before she gave me a number. "Thank you very much."

She smiles at me once more before leading me inside and taking me to my seat. I can see Zayn from a distance; the other man looking down at a menu, his hair covering his face.

"You're late," Zayn said right away. My gaze shifted to my brother, and I rolled my eyes slightly.

"There was traffic, and I don't have a car either. You could have picked me up. " I grinned as I drew out my chair and sat, my gaze finally falling on the man. I frowned, looking over his features.

His green eyes were already on me, hair parted in the middle perfectly, he was wearing another button-up, this time red, he had a few buttons undone and somehow a tie on too.

As I stood there staring at the man, who was amused by the fact that I was angry, his lips began to smile, and he tilted his head slightly.

" Juliet." he worded to me

The same man who worked at the casino.

"Zayn," I whispered, looking at my brother,

"This is..."

"I am aware of who that is." I clenched my teeth and muttered. "It was the jackass who fucking kicked me out of his casino without giving me a reason. Was your fucking ego hurt? " He did nothing but clench his jaw and look directly into my green eyes.

" What casino?" Zayn's voice sounded confused staring between the both of us.

" And he fucking crashed into me." I point at him and laughed " He crashed into me yesterday. He's the fucking guy."

"Juliet." my name off his tongue felt bitter like always. The fact that he remembered my name. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Zayn who was shocked. " I did not crash into your car."

I stared at him annoyed and my jaw dropped open.

" What? Yes, you did."

"You crashed into me Juliet." he smiles and looks directly at me. " Sometimes our mind plays tricks in our head."

" What? Zayn, he's lying."

" Have you been having a rough week? Zayn told me sometimes things can get hard for you." I laughed, shaking my head. Standing up my chair was pushed back.

" Unbelievable. Fucking unbelievable." I bite my inner cheeks and looked at Zayn. " Do you believe him?"

"Juliet," I stared down at myself and stood up. "What are you doing?"

" Leaving." I murmured, "I'm not meeting with a person who can't simply respect me."

"Respect you? What are you on about? " Zayn frowns as he says this.

"Juliet, sit down." The man looked up at me while gritting his teeth.

" No." and he stood, still looking menacing. I swallowed, my hand laying flat against my red dress, and I watched as his eyes dipped down to my breast.

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