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I should not have drank as much as I did last night. I awoke with one of the worst hangovers I'd ever had, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to function for my date.

The hangover feels like a rocket under my brain, slowly inflating and increasing in pressure. I splashed cold water on my face for what felt like the millionth time this afternoon just to feel refreshed, and I immediately wished I could wash the hangover away.

I knew any smell of alcohol would make me sick, and I was hoping Kasen wouldn't offer me a glass of wine because even though I knew I should refuse, I wouldn't.

I just wrapped myself in a blanket, trying to focus my eyes on the show. Waves of nausea added to my misery. My phone began to ping with message after message from the girls, who were still updating on their night.

Last night, Andrea and Gwen both went home with someone. I went home with a brand new tattoo.

My door banged repeatedly, sending a groan out of my mouth. I shout, throwing the cover off, "I'm coming." A few seconds go by before the banging repeats.

"Are you getting murder out there? Fucking hell. " I reached for the doorknob, twisted it open, and yanked it open meeting face-to-face with the one and only Harry Styles.

Harry gave me a lopsided smile, " Princess."

"Oh, it's you." I turned around and slammed the door in his face before heading over to my seat on the couch. A few seconds pass before the door starts to jiggle and opens

" Why do I even have a door if you're just going to walk in when I don't come may," I grumbled from my spot hearing his heavy footsteps make their way toward me.

" That wasn't very nice."

" That makes me happy." I grinned.

"Does being mean to me make you happy?" I turned around and looked up at him. Harry was dressed in a black hoodie and black jeans; his hair was up in a messy clip; he looked tired; his eyes were a light shade of red; and he had bags under his eyes.

I can only imagine how difficult it is to have a kid.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me." I grin.

" What did you eat?"

"Fuck off." I swallowed and buried my head against the couch pillows, draping the blanket over my head.

"Did you eat anything?"

"Shh," I whispered, closing my eyes, and the blanket was ripped away from me in seconds. The cold air hit my skin.

"Let me see your tattoo."

"What tattoo?" I tilted my head to look at him, grabbing the blanket from Harry's hands and wrapping my body in it again.

"What do you mean, Juliet, if that thing is fucking infected." A small grin appears on my face, and when Harry notices it, his expression changes from stressed to annoyed.

"My tattoo is fine; is that why you're here?"

"Do you remember when you got your tattoo?"

I hum. "I wasn't that intoxicated." He gave me a flat look, which made me laugh.

"You couldn't even talk properly," he says, grinning. "Or breathe."

I glared at him and straightened up on the couch. "Fuck off, Harry, why are you here?"

My brown eyes shift toward Harry as he places a file on the table. I can feel his stare on me, as I didn't make an effort to find out what it was. I knew I wouldn't like whatever it was.

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