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" Here." Harry stood in front of me, holding a cup of coffee. I smiled softly and took the cup, mumbling a little thank you.

I took a small sip, closing my eyes at the taste I loved so much. We were all gathered in Harry's house, talking about tonight's mission—by "all," I mean Louis, Abby, Liam, and Niall.

It was early in the morning, and I was exhausted. I only get up in the morning when I feel like it. I sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped over my shoulder and a cup of hot coffee in my hands.

"We need to take passport photos." I frowned when Harry whispered.

"I already have a passport." Harry shakes his head looking at me. "We're making you a new one, not that one."

Even more confused, I asked, Why?" Harry and I haven't talked about the mission in a long time. I'd rather not know until the day since I wouldn't be able to go about my day normally.

I worry too much about what will happen if I screw up or do anything else. "We have this machine," Harry begins, looking around. "That will change your identity, make you a completely different person, and put you into your system."

"But you don't need your passport for your private jet."

"No," he shakes his head, "But we're not taking my jet; we have to go through a regular airport airline—Spain has this weird rule, and flying private complicates things."

I nod. "So, this new identification you're providing me... I'm not going to get caught, am I?"

" No." Harry sighs and shakes his head. "We're all doing it and it's the world's only system. I am the only one who can create any type of document that will work."

"That's pretty cool," I stated, grinning, and Harry nodded. "They can even make up death certificates."

"How does this work?"

"All I need to do is take a picture of you." Harry sends me a nod.

" And I type up the information I need, and the system does the rest for me. Will print out anything."

"When we land, we'll have a few hours to rest before going to the company," Harry uttered, looking me in the eyes. "Liam, you'll be the getaway car; Niall sets off security cameras, and Louis and Abby wait outside the back door. Niall, when you cut off the camera, go help Louis and Abby. Juliet, you already know what to do."

Of course, I did. Harry didn't give me much information about the mission, saying he would do most of the talking and I would just be his "wife," so I had to enter with him and pretend I was having a meeting with the company's owner.

This was a real estate corporation, the largest in Spain, that owns businesses open to everyone, so we don't need to start from scratch. This company will support your growth, no matter where you are from.

Harry was going to walk in and pretend he wanted to start a company, and from there I would excuse myself and open the door for Abby, Louis, and Niall, and they would hold me as a fake hostage as we made our way back into the meeting room.

Then from there... The outcome of whether we enter the basement to steal the gold depends entirely on luck. I have no idea what is going to happen, but I hope everything goes well.

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