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"Daddy, please! Let me do it! I want to, please, please." Marceline tugged on my arm as I reached for the box of pancake mix.

My eyes glanced down at her. "Petal, careful." I gently pulled her arms away and stood behind her, glancing at Azriela as she poked out her tongue and stirred her own pancake mix.

"Let me help you," I murmured, guiding Marceline's hand as I dropped the pancake mix into her bowl. She cheered happily, her giggles resonating around the kitchen.

"Look, Daddy!" Azriela called my name, and my eyes dropped to her. She smiled proudly, showing me her unmixed pancake batter. "Are you proud?"

I cracked a smile. "So proud, my honey bunny. Good job." I bent down and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. She hummed and slid off the stool. My eyes followed her as she walked towards the pantry and opened it, disappearing inside.

"What are you fetching, missy?" I called out, helping Marceline crack her eggs.

"Chocolate chips!" she chirped, walking back towards the kitchen. "Chocolate chips?" I raised an eyebrow, watching as she stood in front of me holding the bag and pouting. "Please."

How could I say no? The way she smiled brightly at me and softly asked. She knew my weakness, how I could never say no to my sweet girl. I cherish every single second I have with them because the next thing I know, they're too old to cook breakfast with me. These moments, filled with laughter and little hands reaching for ingredients, are fleeting. I know one day they'll be more interested in their friends and their own lives, and these simple mornings will be just a memory. So, I savor every giggle, every mispronounced word, and every request to help. It's these small, ordinary moments that weave the fabric of our family life, creating a tapestry of love and connection that I hope will stay with them long after they've grown up.

" You can have all the chocolate chips in the world." I grinned from ear to ear watching her eyes light up so brightly like the stars. They shined—her lips bubbling into a laugh.

"Good morning." The sound of a sweet, soft voice broke my train of thought. I looked away from my daughter and I glanced over at the voice that stole my breath. The voice that made my heart stopped, and my mind race with a thousand thoughts. She looked beautiful, even with her messy straight hair and tired, soft brown eyes.

I missed her curly hair, but that didn't diminish her beauty in the slightest.

The girls gasped and practically jumped off their stools, rushing towards Juliet. She giggled and pressed her hand on Sunlea's back as they almost stumbled backward. "Mommy! Mommy! Good morning." They giggled trying to hug Juliet— their laughs causing my heart to warm.

"Whoa, careful," I said, walking towards Juliet. Her cheeks were a rosy pink, and she held Sunlea in her arms—both looked slumped, especially Juliet. But her tired eyes twinkled and shined as bright as the stars, and Sunlea gave me the brightest smile ever, her little cheerful screams when her eyes landed on mine.

"Good morning, little stars," Juliet whispered while I grabbed Sunlea from her arms, kissing her soft cheeks as Juliet knelt down and welcomed the twins into her arms with full love and hugs.

I watched them silently for a few minutes, the way Juliet smiled and listened to the same story they had told me bright and early in the morning, at five a.m to be exact—knocking on my bedroom door demanding snuggles, and then came the hunger. They pleaded for pancake while I tired to plead them to sleep more but it didn't work.

Juliet finally stood and looked over at me. "Morning," she said, her eyes drifting. There was a sly look in them, almost as if she felt shy or maybe even embarrassed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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