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Feeling kisses all over my shoulder, I hummed as Harry's hand pushed back my hair, knitted through my curls, and his lips pressed against my neck and ran down my shoulder. I shifted in bed. " Morning," Harry whispered—wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to his chest—by back-hitting it.

Turning around in the bed— I looked up at Harry, his eyes flying down on me. "Morning." I smiled.

I was mesmerized by the alluring hue of green that filled his eyes as I stared into them. " Boyfriend," I whispered and his eyes were still on me. His radiant smile lit up the room, warming my heart, and exuded pure joy.

Harry laughs. His laughter rang in my ears like a tune and made me happy from head to toe. I can't believe he's my boyfriend. Despite everything, we managed to make it through in our bubble, away from danger. He squeezed my waist, his hands running up my body, hands floundering around aimlessly.

" Yours." He whispered swiping his finger across my face questioning, "How are you feeling?" while harshly swallowing. "Your cheeks are a little red, baby; does it hurt?"

I shake my head. Harry's green eyes darted all around. The room was painted in a vivid, warm palette by the sun's dazzling rays as they peaked through the curtains and exploded into the space of his room.

God, the sun was shining in all the perfect places, making him look stunning. I'm overjoyed that he's mine. that I can be everything to him. The room was flooded with sunlight, which cast a brilliant glow in every little crevice. His features were emphasized by the sun's warm rays as they stroked his face, giving him a luminous glow.

Harry's skin seemed to radiate with a natural luminosity as if he were illuminated from within. His rosy skin glowed by the sunlight dancing over his cheeks, and a soft shadow was created just beneath his lashes. It was as if the sun itself couldn't resist basking in his beauty, as if the room itself was floundering in the sun's embrace. It was a scene that brought peace and happiness to my heart.

Harry lunges forward, holding my jaw with his hands, and kisses me. I whimper again into his mouth and pull myself closer—Harry's mouth making me dizzy all over. He withdraws, murmuring.

"Do you work today?"

" No." I grinned and shook my head, "I'm all yours today."

" Good." He pushes my hair behind my ears, smirking. "Good. I want to take you out—on a proper date."

My smile grows even larger, my heart skips a beat. "Where are we going?" I queried. "And what time?"

"It's dinner—and then I have something else planned, but that's a surprise." I grin once again as I cup his face and kiss him all over. His cheeks, his forehead, the corner of his mouth, until I'm climbing up his body to give him one last kiss. Harry's whole face was flushed and he looked away, thinking and I just wished I could read his thoughts.

Are they about me? Are they good—or bad? God this feeling of wanting someone so badly makes me sick

Harry adjusts his head on the cushion my hands on either side of his head, his hands seem to be drawn to my thighs like a magnet. The blanket falls to my waist, sending goosebumps through my entire body.

"Your tattoos are one of my favorite things about you," I say, sitting up on Harry's torso and running my hands up his chest feeling the roughness of his broad body underneath my fingertips. " The art is so pretty. You are art." I murmured, glancing at his face. Harry smiles, a dimple forming on his cheeks.

" Yeah?" I nod. "What else do you like about me?" Harry asks amusement all over his tone. My whole body heats up, and Harry's hands run up my thighs, squeezing it, pulling on the band of my underwear, and letting it snap back to a place—a whine escaping my lips, to which he noticed immediately, delighted.

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