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Harry has been respecting my boundaries and wishes for a few days now. His injuries were almost healed; the dark, intense purple was changing to a lighter shade. His stitches are now ready to be removed.

He was walking and acting fine. I was a little alarmed by how quickly Harry changed. He changed from being a total jackass to being sympathetic.

It scared me.

but I couldn't walk away from the way he addressed me with care—soft touches. He handled me so delicately. Harry was still sleeping, his lips parted, and his hair lay messily on his head.

I was pinned between Harry's arms, one of which was tucked under me and the other around my waist. I sucked in a breath and memorized his face.

It was our first night together since we talked. It just happened. We both fell asleep on the bed and now here I am awake. Trapped in his arms—and legs tangled together.

His skin looked smooth; Curled eyelashes brushed against his cheeks; lips parted with soft breaths coming out in puffs; and the gentle rise and fall of his chest

I smile Harry sleeping achieves the best kind of peace, and I'm happy that I'm the one who gets to experience him asleep, so peaceful and vulnerable like this. He looked angelic, as if he should be painted and hung up in a museum. Or sculpted by the best artists

I take a long breath pushing his hair back with my hands. Harry pulls me closer to him as I do, and I giggle—knowing he was awake. "What on earth are you doing up so early?" His loud, husky voice reverberates throughout the room.

I smiled, putting my hands on his chest and cocking my head so I could see his exhausted and sleepy eyes. "I have to go to work."

Harry hums and blinks his eyes shut once again. "Call in sick." I rolled my eyes picked up his cross necklace, and felt the cold metal against my fingertips.

" No." I shook my head, and his knuckles ran up and down my arms softly, following a pattern. My body shivered, and I sucked in a breath.

Although Harry always listened to his daughter and shaved, after a few days, the hair started to grow back in prickles. Something I found myself liking—it complimented his face so well. "You're not religious."

" No." He cleared his throat, and I hummed, placing my palm flat against his cheeks to feel the smoothness of his skin.

Harry's eyes flickered open once again, his sparkling green eyes staring at me. "Why do you have that?" I asked. Harry's lips looked so kissable, so full and plump, that all I wanted to do was kiss him. Feel him all over me.

He lifts his hand and cups my face. "It was a gift; now go to sleep." I roll my eyes and attempt to shove his body away, but he tightens his grip around me.

"I'm not tired. My body has become a bit used to getting up early." I rolled my eyes at Harry's silence. "Who gave you the necklace?"

"You are worse than the girls in the morning." I jokingly nudged his shoulder, gasping.

" Asshole." Harry laughs and pulls me closer to his body. His room was freezing, and the only thing keeping me warm was his body heat and the big fluffy blanket I brought from my apartment a long time ago.

"It was a gift from my mother," He said, raising an eyebrow. This conversation piqued my interest. Harry hardly ever discusses his family in conversation. "Are you going to call off work?"

"No, I'm not." I chuckled, "I'll be fired."

He scoffs, "I'll kill them." I shook my head rolling my eyes.

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