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For the rest of my time in Italy, I spent with Abby; she took me out to see the city; we walked around the beach; we even got drunk and went to get tattoos—which I got

Kiss me here on my hips.

As the plane landed in Paris, it was different from Italy; everyone got in separate black cars. "I have to leave for a meeting." Harry turns to face me, "I got you some paint and shit to distract yourself while I'm gone."

I hummed as well and turned to face him. "You got me some paint?" My mood lightened a little, and I grinned to myself.

He hums, "And you can't leave the hotel, understood?" I scowled a little as I peered out the windows and watched the city as we drove by.

"Why can't I leave?" I tilted my head back to face him, observing how his jaw tensed as he chewed the gum in his mouth. "Because I said so," Harry says.

The car stops and the man in the front clears his throat. "We are here, sir." the driver exits the vehicle, approaches the door Harry was sitting next to, and opens it. Harry exits first, followed by me with the driver's assistance.

I nibbled on my inner cheeks, following Harry as he entered the building. "That's not a reason, Harry."

"Ah, yes, it is." I rolled my eyes and quickly caught up with him. "No, Harry, it's not." I rolled my eyes, and Harry turned around, causing me to bump into his chest.

His voice was low, and he was holding my hips in place while staring at me with enraged eyes. "Will you fucking listen, Juliet?" He growled. "Do you want to go out to a city you don't know shit about, with a language you don't know how to speak? Then what? So someone can hurt you again." I grimace as his final phrases strike me like a pair of daggers. "So I can come back and save the day? Just fucking listen to me, Juliet. It's not that hard. What if next time I don't get there on time?"

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I just—you're right. I'm sorry." He keeps his eyes fixed on me for a while before turning around and walking over to the front desk.

"His dick better be as big as his ego," I muttered to myself, grumbling about how controlling he is.

"It is." My body starts to heat up as soon as I hear him whisper, and my mouth drops as humiliation crawls across my face. I immediately want to crawl into a hole. Harry turns his head to look at me and smiles at how surprised I am by his response.

I try to stop myself from remembering what just happened as I stand next to him, oblivious to the woman's reaction. My face was probably deeply red, and I was still trying to breathe normally after laughing at myself. "Room for Harry Styles," Harry announces, and the woman looks up with a smile on her face.

Her eyes are slightly wider as she types on the computer. "You've got the best room in the place." She glances across at me while grinning. "Enjoy your stay."

I smiled back and said a quick thank you, knowing that Harry doesn't have manners. "So how long are you going to be out?" He glanced in my direction before pressing the lever button.

"Not long. By noon, I'll be here." I hummed as I moved to the other side of the door.

Leaning against the elevator wall, I asked, "What are you going to do?"

His eyes caught mine, and he pursed his lips. "A deal. Don't ask questions."

Harry was standing in front of me as he unlocked our room for the following two nights; once the door was open, he pushed it but stayed in place, placing a "do not disturb" sign on the door.

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