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"Ma'am, ma'am, are you okay?" My vision drops to Harry, as they place chest compressions on him.

" Ma'am."

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'm sorry—I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Harry's body jerked upward as they all turned to face each other and spoke inaudibly.

"Do you need help, ma'am?" I jerked violently when someone touched my shoulder, retreated, and turned to face the woman.

"Don't touch me," I yelled and stood on wobbly legs, trying to make my way towards Harry before she wrapped an arm around me. "No," I cried again.

"I need to save him—he saved me." I weep louder while shaking my head as she pulls me back. "No—please don't let me lose him."

"Ma'am, he's going to be okay; they're going to help him." I shook my head as she spoke, my eyes burning and my voice hoarse.

"Excuse me." I sobbed more intensely, and eventually, my legs gave out on me. The woman followed me down and held me close to her as protection.

"He has to be alright," I muttered. "Please make sure he's okay," I pleaded.

He can't become part of the stars—not today, not ever.

"Please." I suddenly went into full panic mode as they all suddenly stood up and lifted him into an ambulance.

"No!" I screamed. "No, no, no."

"I need to go with him." However, the woman only held me tighter. "Let me go." I buried my nails into her wrist but felt helpless and weak as the door closed.

When the door closed, my entire world fell apart. I watched them switch on the sirens once more and I gasped. I was then left alone and filled with emptiness.

The emptiness that was previously filled by Harry. The feeling creeping within my veins terrified me, sinking into my gut. Is this the universe telling me that I won't have him back? That the universe is claiming him for the stairs? I felt hollow, empty, and stranded alone.

I felt like I was in a dark room with no one around, yearning for someone to understand and be there for me. It's a deep ache in my heart that longs for connection and companionship.

My heart was hurting from deep sadness. I felt as if a dark cloud had settled over my soul, casting a shadow on my every thought and action. The weight of my sorrow seemed unbearable, causing my chest to ache with each breath.

"Let me help you, ma'am." I curled up, bringing my knees to my chest, as the woman murmured.

What will I tell the girls if he passes away?

How do I tell them that their father, whom they look up to, love, and look forward to seeing every day, is no longer with us but is now a star?

I forced a harsh swallow while wiping away my tears. I felt emotionless. "I'm sorry."

A second sharp sneeze hits me as an unfamiliar person enters my field of vision. I blinked in response to her glare; she was stunning.

She kind of reminded me of my mother, but a nicer one. She had gorgeous long brown curls, a dark complexion that was identical to mine, a slender but lovely face, and dark brown eyes that shone as if her life depended on it.

I scream again, and as she puts her hand on my shoulder, I yank my body away because it feels icy. It was so rough, it repulsed me. I didn't want anyone to touch me or even look at me.

"Let's get you to the hospital, okay?" I turned my head away from where Harry had been lying to see a burned-up metal car and a bloody pool in his place, the metallic scent wavering to my nose.

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