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"The shipment arrives at midnight." I look up from the paperwork that shows how much money I've made in the last week and at Niall.

"From?" I muttered, picking up my glass cup, tipping it back, and sinking into my seat.

"France," Niall uttered, looking down at the paper. "Two million dollars worth of cocaine."

"Before I give the money, I want you and Liam to make sure it's what I've asked for. I'll also be there."

"Do you need me to call for  backup?" Louis asked from my left, "Where should I be?"

"Yes. Stay at the storage facility."

There were only two people who knew the warehouse combination. That was me and Louis. It is too dangerous for everyone to know; I couldn't risk all of their lives.

"Let everyone know more stuff will be coming in." Louis nods, and I close the file, put it in my drawers, and pick up my phone to see if Juliet has answered, but she hasn't.

It's been three days, and Juliet hasn't texted or called me back. Maybe it's because she's stubborn and doesn't like it when I order her around, or maybe she's dead.

Whatever it was, it had me on the edge of my seat. If she's dead, my plan and deal are done.

She pisses me off with how she always wants to do things her way. She needs to learn how to listen for once.

"How's it going with the girl?" Louis questioned, drawing attention away from the other two men who had sat down on the couch and were now counting money.

"Which girl?" Liam inquired, paying attention to our conversation.

"Zayn is paying him to keep an eye on—" I locked my gaze on Louis, motioning him to shut up. His eyes slightly widen, falling into a thin line.

"Zayn is paying Harry for what?"

"None of your business." I clenched my teeth and returned my gaze to Louis. "Do me a favor and shut your mouth; it's none of your business except mine."

In defense, Louis lifted his hands laughing. "Relax, Styles,"

" Is it the girl you tattooed?" Niall grins and meets Liam's eyes then mine. " Is it her? You were very controlling?"

"Does everyone know to expect me?" Liam sighs, shaking his head. "What the hell?" I took a deep breath and looked at Niall.

" No, it's not her." Niall squinted his eyes at me, not fully convinced but he didn't argue. He picked up the money and started counting again.

" Something tells me you're lying," I clenched my jaw, glaring in his direction.

" Niall," I utter. Abigail burst through the door, food in her hands. I stayed silent instead watching, her take confident steps toward me and Louis, placing the food on my desk, and walking over to Louis, kissing him on the lips.

"Hey, Styles—why do you look so mad?" She teases and leans against the desk.

Abigail was dressed in a black long-sleeved shirt with a v-neck that showed off her breasts; her hair was up in a ponytail as usual; and she was wearing black leggings that hugged her thighs.

She wiggled her brows and took the bag. "Do you want to eat Chinese?" She turns her head to face Naill and Liam, who both nod. Niall stood up to get their food.

"I got you, your favorite." She passes Louis his food. "And as well as you," she glared at me, placing the food down, and sitting on my desk.

"Get off my desk, Abby," she grumbles.

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