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Everyone tells you that falling in love is beautiful; it's fun. But nobody prepares you for the aftermath that comes when the love is no longer there. When it's replaced with betrayal and broken trust. With a pain so painful that it makes you want to escape from reality, from this world.

I sucked in a breath, closing my eyes, hoping that the pain would vanish, but it was replaced with memories of us. One being our wedding, our first confession of love. How can you love someone and hurt them?

The door creeps open, and I turn my face away. I hated every time Harry walked through those doors; I hated all the questions he would ask me, knowing he would never get an answer, and it felt so painful. It hurt to ignore him, but I was hurting. I felt numb; I felt like I didn't belong.

Nothing made sense.

I swallowed. Instead hearing the doctor's voice, "How are you feeling today, Juliet? Ready to head home and start your recovery?" He smiles brightly, standing a few inches away from me.
I nodded silently, a faint smile crossing my lips.

"I understand it can be overwhelming, but you're in good hands. We've provided you with all the necessary instructions for your recovery. Remember to take your medications as prescribed."

I nodded again, running a hand through my arm and feeling the goosebumps on my skin. "If you have any questions or concerns along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. I know this journey might be hard, but we're here to support you throughout your recovery and make sure you're healthy through these next few months. And please remember to attend your follow-up appointments so we can monitor your progress."

I smile. I didn't know what to say—I just wanted everything to be over with. "I have also provided some therapists who are willing to see you whenever you're ready to talk, as well as recovery talk groups. I really suggest doing this—-talking to someone who isn't your family can help you."

"Take care, and remember to be patient with yourself. Recovery takes time." The doctor stared at me, and I nodded.

"Thank you," I whispered. "For everything—" The door burst open, starling me and the nurse and doctor. " Fuck—sorry! Sorry, I'm late." Harry rushes in. Running a hair through his long locks.

"I am sorry," He was holding a bunch of pink and white tulips in his hands, his lips curling into a soft smile. My favorite flowers, and when his eyes met mine, I pulled away.

"Oh, made it just on time." The nurse smiles.
Harry looks at her and nods. "I brought clothes." Harry murmured, walking towards me and setting down on the bed with a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I stared at the clothes, noticing how they were his, and I had to physically hold back my breath.

" Perfect. I'll let you change and be back shortly with everything else." I nodded, and both the doctor and the nurse walked away, leaving me alone with the man who made my heart beat a thousand miles per hour and who made me want to break down and cry. I finally looked at him and stared into his eyes, watching how tired he looked.

Harry's eyes were low and almost bloodshot red, but he didn't look high; he looked like he was crying, like he was tired. I tried to read his emotions, see what he was feeling but it was hard. I was met with a brick block.

I breathed out heavily, his skin looking so soft despite the healing bruises, his lips, and his hair. I silently cried, and I watched him wince at the tear that fell from my eyes and down my cheeks. How can he look so perfect?

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