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This is a double update
make sure you read chapter 17 first :))

I haven't seen Harry in almost two weeks, but to be honest, I've been ignoring him. My birthday is in two days, and I don't plan on reaching out any time soon.

He has texted me about babysitting and even a new mission, but oddly enough, he hasn't visited my home.


I was finally done with work. I loved my new job, everyone there was friendlier than at my previous one, and I even made a few friends with whom I occasionally go out for coffee.

No matter what you do or who you are, they all seem to be very polite. It was a nicer atmosphere.

I had enough money saved up for a rental car.
This job is helping me with everything I need, and I think in a month or two I'll be able to pay the full rent without Harry's help.

Even though I was physically worn out and in need of a nap, I was eager to get home and get ready for my date with Kasen because it had been so long since we had last seen each other and I didn't want anything to go wrong.

Getting into my car the first mistake was the car
not starting, which causes me to panic. I was already running late so immediately I grabbed my phone and called Zayn's number right away, but it went straight to voicemail.

Then Andrea and Gwen Every single number I called went straight to voicemail. I said under my breath, "fuck," with my finger lingering over the person I swore I wasn't going to talk to. I've been doing well for some reason-I've been ignoring his texts and calls about everything.

That we have to talk; that he needs a babysitter-another mission. The last text he ever sent to me was that he has had two vans following me everywhere since I decided to be stubborn, and surprisingly, I haven't noticed them once.

They must be extremely skilled at what they do; I've been searching everywhere. When I pressed my finger down, it immediately started ringing.

And then, on the other end, I hear his voice. "What problems have you run into now?" He muttered, sounding a little irritated and raspy. I took a breath and gulped in as it sent chills all over my body. "Hi Harry, how are you?"

"Juliet, what do you want?" I rolled my eyes as his tone turned stern.

"I want nothing," I respond with the same rage. He's acting like a jerk even though we haven't spoken in a week. "Actually, why the fuck are you so rude? I did nothing to you!"

"Why am I being so rude?" He let out a dry chuckle. "Unbelievable"


"You've been the one ignoring me, Juliet; what else do you want me to do?"

"Oh," I laughed, "So it's okay when you ignore me. When you act like a total fucking jerk, but it's so bad when I do it right?"

" Juliet. Watch your mouth."

"No." I clenched my jaw. "Harry, you make me so fucking mad, it's crazy," he hums, "I'm serious."

"What do you want?"

"Nothing." I lick my lips. "I want you to stop being such a jerk."

"Eh," he murmurs, "You called me because you want me to stop being a jerk?" he laughs, " Sounds like you miss me."

" I don't."

" Oh yeah?"

" Harry."

"Are you still working?" He ignores me

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