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Read with caution!
There's an important author notes at the end.


"Where are you going, Daddy? Can I come with?" Azriela asks as she circles my legs.

After tying my tie, I lowered down, picking her up and chucking her in the air. "I'm sorry, honey pot, you can't come with me today." I kiss her cheeks while she frowns. "Daddy has to go to work. And I can't pay attention to you when I'm working."

She chews her lower lip before playing with my necklace. "I'll be here waiting for you, Daddy, with Juliet." I hummed before leaving my room.

Juliet was off from work today, so we both woke up a bit late. I woke up with Juliet's head resting on my chest, her legs entwined in mine, and her arms loosely wrapped around my waist. She was snoring softly. Her hair was up in a bonnet. Curls away from her face, clean and shining from the sunlight that peeks through the curtain we didn't close. Blanket around her waist,

I couldn't stop thinking about the way we woke up— her smell against me. Her body heat, waking up to see her in my t-shirt and no pants.

"Yes—I need you to listen to Juliet." Can you do that for me?" She beams a smile while her brown eyes sparkle. "Yup." She pops her p, eyes widening. "We're going to have a girls' day"

Azri laughed squeezing my face with her hands. "Girls Day?" I gasped. " Oh my! What color are you going to paint your nails?"

She giggled, "I dunno, um. What's your favorite color, Daddy?"

I thought as I drew my brows together. "Purple," Azriela beams a broad smile. "Purple is so pretty. like you, Daddy."

"Do you think I'm pretty?" I smile walk toward the kitchen and hear Juliet and Marceline talking. "Yeah! Juliet thinks you're pretty too."

"Is that so?" I chuckled before turning to face Azriela once more. She was beaming even more. I don't know what I would do without my daughters; they're everything to me. Mean the entire world to me.

Walking into the kitchen, Juliet has Marceline on her hips, her back towards us. As they continued to giggle together, Juliet leaned back and moved a spoonful of ice cream closer to Marceline's mouth.

" Mhm." Marcey hums,

"Ice cream? Seriously?" They both get scared, Juliet turns around, looking at me

"I want ice cream!" Juliet grinned as Azriela yelled and sprung out of my arms to get to Juliet. Just in time, she grabs her, carries her, and places them both on the counter.

"Do you want some?" She asks and fills a bowl with ice cream.

"Too early for sweets," I stated as I took a cherry out of her bowl and put it in my mouth. "They're going to be too hyper, Juli."

"Kids will always be overly energetic," she shrugs. "It can't hurt to have a little sugar, huh, my little stars?"

They clap and shout, "Yeah!" Juliet looks over her shoulder and gives me a look.

My heartbeat quickened as she gave me a glance that caused her brown eyes to deepen and sparkle with an idea I was unable to understand. She then smiles at me while pursing her lips. "At what time will you be back?"

"About five," I mumble, "I'm not sure. I have to go with the team to send off a shipment after having a meeting with someone. I have to make sure everything is done correctly."

She hums and looks back at the girls, saying, " Is it dangerous."

Of course, it is. All my jobs are, but Juliet doesn't need to know that. " I'll be back soon, okay? Take care of my girls." Juliet furrowed her eyebrows

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