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" We're ready to leave when you are sir," The pilot looks at me as we stood near the door, " Everything is already in the plane, and when we land they'll be cars, and security awaiting." 

I hummed and looked outside the plane-- security still waiting for the plane to leave. " Yeah, we can start..." My phone ringing in my pocket stops me from speaking to the pilot. I dig my hands into my pocket, pulling out my beat-up old phone.

Juliet's name flashed across the screen and I furrowed my eyebrows, I have my team members watching over her on my mini trip. Making sure she doesn't do anything stupid. I also made sure to let them know Kasen shouldn't be around her

" Juliet?" A sob on the other end sends me on high alert; she was breathing hard and trying to talk, but nothing that came out of her mouth made sense. "Hello, Juliet?"

She managed to say "Harry—" at last. "Please help." A deeper cry leaves her lips, and she sucks in a breath. "Help me please."

I turn to face the pilot. "Stop the plane." Even though the jet wasn't moving, I groggily swallowed "Flight delay."

He arched his brows. " Sir." Nonetheless, I turn around and ask, "Juliet, where are you?" I questioned her after hearing her sobs over the phone. " Juliet," I say a little louder.

She tries to talk, but again, it is not audible. Her deep breaths had me wondering what the hell was happening. Stepping back to the main part of the plane, everyone was looking at me weirdly.

" Ready to go, Harry," Abby asked.

"Flight delayed," I announced. " Why?" When Abby asked, I pushed open the door and hurried down the steep stairs of the plane.

"Juliet, listen to me. Breathe deeply." I hear her sucking in a breath. "That's it. You're doing good. Breathe out. Breathe in."



After a few minutes of doing this, her cries began to settle down. "Are you somewhere safe?"

"I'm hiding in my closet." I cursed under my breath while pulling the car door open, not caring about wearing a seatbelt; I just needed to get there on time. "I have his gun." Her voice struggled to speak. " Harry, please hurry."

Pressing down on the pedal I murmured. " Good. Take a deep breath, Juliet. Are you okay?"

" No. Uh yeah, Harry, hurry up," she mumbled. "I'm scared." My chest pounded as I heard her breath get hushed, "Please, I'm so scared."

"You stay in the closet no matter what, okay?" I accelerate more quickly as I speed down the somewhat busy streets. "I'll come and get you. Do not come out, do you understand?"

"Did he hurt you?" My mind went blank when I heard her crying over the phone while she hummed, but I soon began to feel angry. Now, violence was all I could think of. I wanted to torture him, but I knew deep down I didn't have enough time. I needed to do something quick but hurtful.

I'm going to kill this dude when I get to him. Kill everyone who even comes close to her.

"Juliet, I'm here, all right? I'm going to hang up. Stay hidden until I come and get you. I need you to listen this one time."

"I will," he whispered back. "Please don't get hurt." And with that, she hangs up, and I stay sitting in the car for longer than I should've, thinking about her words.

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