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Harry's hands traced up my bare legs as I carefully read his book. He sat upright on the bed, his head resting on a pillow, one arm casually draped behind him. I lay sideways, legs on top of him, fully engrossed in the story.

Closing the book, I looked up at him with a grin. The afternoon sunlight filled the room, and it wasn't long before the twins would wake from their naps. I planned to leave and spend some time with my friends—a much-needed girls' trip. We were going to get our nails done, maybe even our hair. It would be perfect for the secret wedding I'm having. Harry, almost completely healed, suggested I go, knowing I had the day off from work.

Crawling onto Harry's lap, he looked amused, running his hands up my thighs and wrapping them around my bare waist, pulling me closer. Giggling, my hands found their place on either side of his head, his hair falling forward.

"You're so pretty, baby," he remarked, and I playfully responded, "Shut up." We both laughed, and he scrunched his face, running his hands up my back. "Why are you telling me to shut up, Dummy?" I teased, pressing a single kiss on his lips and jaw.

"I don't feel too well," I confessed, and he frowned, concerned. "What's wrong? Do you think you're catching a cold?" His thumb traced over my jaw as he spoke, worried.

Shrugging, I bit my lower lip. "Most likely, this winter has been rough," I explained. "I don't think it's anything serious, just one of those early sick days. Plus, I should be getting my period in like a week or so, and I always have early cramps."

He hummed thoughtfully. "If you need anything, just let me know. I'll buy you whatever you want, baby." I smiled and murmured a thank you.

Sitting up on his lap, I pondered, "Would you ever move from this house?" He shrugged, sharing, "I built this house specifically for my kids, to grow up in a spacious place with lots of room. In the future, would you want to move somewhere else with me?"

Biting my lower lip, I shook my head. "I love this house. It's insanely big, and I personally will never be able to clean it alone. I would like to give it more life, though. You're a very simple person."

He laughed, "Yeah? What do you want to do to the house? Whatever you want, I'll do it for you, baby." Excitedly, I responded, "Whatever I want?" I grinned. "Well, firstly, I think I need my painting room and somewhere to do my makeup." Harry hummed in agreement. "Done and done."

He grabbed my face, looking into my eyes, and whispered, "What else, pretty thing?"

"Uh." My face heated up, and I shrugged with a laugh. "There was nothing else, and I was joking; don't be doing stupid stuff." I point suspiciously.

"Stupid stuff." Harry chuckles. "If you want something, that doesn't mean it's stupid. You deserve it. This is your house just as much as it's mine."

Gazing into Harry's eyes, a smile played upon my lips, and a surge of warmth enveloped my heart. "My house?" I teased, my hair gently entwining with his curls, relishing the softness beneath my fingertips. I pressed my lips against his, a joyous smile spreading across my face and sheer happiness radiating from within.

"What's yours is mine, baby; everything is yours," he said, pushing my hair aside.

"Kiss me," he pleaded with a playful pout, prompting laughter from me as I shook my head in amusement. Leaning forward, I continued to tease him, savoring the anticipation dancing across his expression. Just as he reached out, I skillfully evaded, a mischievous grin adorning my lips. Harry responded with a low groan, his eyes briefly shutting and his grip on my waist tightening.

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