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Beeping—that's what I heard as I tried to open my eyes, a loud pounding sound echoing through my head. I groan and twitch slightly as my body aches.

My eyes immediately opened while the beeping continued, only to be greeted by blinding lights. I slammed my eyes shut once more and groaned. What the fuck happened?

I gasped and opened my eyes, adjusting to the intense lighting in the space. Machines hooked up to me—the loud beeping continued. My whole body is in excruciating pain while I groan and attempt to sit up.


What time is it? Zayn is going to kill me.

I don't remember anything; but from the looks at it, I'm at the hospital. I don't know how I got here or why. I looked around and ran a palm over my face. " Fuck. Where is that flash drive?"

I groan closing my eyes. The pounding on my head was only getting worse. I adjusted myself on the bed and tried to control my breathing. I need to get the hell out of here.

The door swings open as I reposition myself on the bed, and I stare over in disbelief as I try to absorb who I am looking at.

Never in my life did I expect to see her. She was blinking rapidly when she spotted me and was equally shocked. She was wearing a pair of black leggings, one that hugged her curves, and an oversized hoodie—one that didn't belong to her.

It looked familiar, though—the black outline on the front of the hoodie—and the way it fitted her body, it was all too familiar. Then it dawned on me: it was my sweatshirt. I gave it to her one night when it started to rain and she was cold.

I swallowed forcefully and looked over at her face. She had radiant skin, bright brown eyes, straight hair that was lighter blonde than the last time I saw her, and more noticeable freckles on her cheekbones and button nose.

I hoped it wasn't who I wanted it to be when the door opened up again. I'm glad my prayers were answered. When Louis appeared, I saw his face drop in surprise with mine.

Louis looked like he just got out of bed; his eyes were red, he was wearing a white t-shirt and some grey pants, and there were some dark marks on his neck.

Louis looked over at me, and I shook my head. Not a single word was said between anyone. "What time is it?" I grumbled, looking away from her. My heart felt like it was being squeezed repeatedly as I stood up from the bed.

"Harry," she calls out my name, and I close my eyes, feeling like a knife was dragged across my heart and thrown at the ground like it was nothing. I hated the way my name sounded on her tongue, but I loved it as well and missed it. It hurt to see her in front of me and not be able to kiss her or hold her.

"It's four am, Harry," she says softly, so soft that her voice sounded angelic.

" Mariana stop."

"Fuck," I murmured under my breath. "I have to go." I ignored her again and looked down at my arms—so many wires stuck to me.

" No." Mariana uttered, taking a step forward, "Are you crazy? You just got into a car accident; you cut your head open and had a concussion."

"Car accident?" I finally brought my eyes to her, confused, and looked at Louis behind her. "Car accident?" They both nod when I say the words again. treating me gently. " What? How? I don't remember."

I raise my hand and feel the rough spots where the stitches were, where the pain was shooting the most fiercely. I took a deep breath and withdrew my fingers.

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