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I was now fully dressed—I have finally found a new babysitter for the girls. I thought she was perfect, and the kids would like her. I did a background check, a few days of talking to her, and getting to know her:

Juliet was amazing for the two days, but I know she has a real job and wouldn't want to continue watching over my girls.

I enter Marceline's room quietly and turn on the lights. She covers her eyes to block out the bright light, peeking from her fingers.

"Good morning, Daddy," Marceline mutters as I enter the room. With a blanket around her waist and untidy hair all around, she was already sitting up in bed.

I sit on the edge of the bed, "Good morning, Petal." She crawls over to me and climbs onto my lap. I smiled, tucking in her hair. "How did you sleep?" I softly kissed her forehead.

"Good!" she smiles. "I'm hungry, Daddy, can I have cereal?"

"Yes, my sweetheart, of course."  I took her in my arms and walked toward Azriela's room. "What cereal would you like? We have to hurry so we're not late for school."

"Colored cereal," she nods. She was referring to fruity pebbles.

"Okay," I nodded and opened the Azriela door, turning off the light.

"Can I wake up Azi Daddy?"

"Gently alright?"  Marcie nods. I let her go, and as soon as she enters the room, she leaps up on the bed and starts jumping.

Azriela groans at the rapid motions as Marceline's hair flops whenever she jumps onto the bed. " Azri!  Azri!  It's time for school!" She giggles and smiles menacingly and glances up.

" Marcie."  I scolded, picking her up, so she stopped jumping on her sister. Marceline covers her lips with a palm and giggles.

"I said gently petal." Marcie pokes her tongue at me her brown eyes sparkling.

" I was gentle daddy."

"Good morning, Daddy," Azriela murmured, rubbing her slip away.

"Good morning, my sweet little girl." I kissed her forehead.

"Good morning, Arzi." Marceline cuddles her sister, both giggling and falling on the mattress.

"Good morning, Marsey" I have a smile on my face watching my daughters.

"Daddy, do we have school today?" Marsey asks with her head tilted.

"We do have school, so we have to go get ready and eat breakfast." I pick them both up in my arms, and they begin to tell me a story that makes no sense at all, but I give them all of my attention, watching as their eyes fill with so many different emotions as I head for my bathroom.

Azriela lifted her head from my shoulder and mumbled, "Daddy."

"Yes, little honey,"

"Can Juliet take us to the park again?" I grimaced, placing them on their stools facing the mirror.

"No, sweetheart, not today."

" Why?"  Marcy asks with a frown on her face. I grab her toothbrush and Azriela.

"Juliet is busy today; now go on and brush your teeth; let me see who has pretty, pretty teeth." They both begin brushing their teeth as if it were a competition. I knew I was going to have to properly brush their teeth in about a minute or so, but I wanted to show them independence.

I wanted to show them how to do it on their own; they were pretty good at it, so that's one thing.

Once I brush their teeth, I quickly do their hair to get that over with. Marceline wanted a bun with some hair down, whereas Azriela wanted braids like Elsa.

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