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My daughters played on the floor as I sat on the couch watching the movie "The Princess and the Frog" for what felt like the hundredth time this day.

I think by now I already know the script; I already know what the hell is going to happen. Azriela was near my feet, playing with two Barbie dolls, while Marceline was in the back of the playground, sliding down the slide and into the ball pit, her screams of excitement ringing around the playroom.

They were both still in their PJs, hair messy and laying everywhere. One sock on and the other, who knows where. My eyes shift back to Marceline as she jumps into the ball pit, and a smile forms on my lips as I look at Azriela.

They were both growing up so quickly—it hurt to watch. It felt like yesterday I was bringing them home from the hospital—two small babies that didn't even fit in the car seat, so fragile but yet so beautiful.

Now they're almost four and learning a little more every day. Azriela jumps onto her feet and looks up at me with a smile that made me know she was about to ask for something.

Her hazel eyes blink over at me. "Daddy, can I buy a blue dress?" Azriela asked, tilting her head up at me and jumping in place.

"Why do you want to wear a blue dress, honey pot?" My elbows were resting on his knees as I leaned forward and grinned.

"Because I want to feel like a real princess!" She jumps onto the couch next to me while spinning on her toes. When I hear little screams, I look over to where Marceline is coming toward me and jumping onto my lap laughing when she crashes into my body.

I grunted, and she mimicked her sister by jumping on me. "Whoa—" I laughed and pulled them down onto the couch, where they giggled, crazy hair flying everywhere.

My hands came in contact with their stomachs, and they laughed, trying to push my hands away. "Stop, Daddy!" I drew my hands away only to do it again when they catch their breath, their laughs were music to my ears. and smiled at me as I turned to face them.

Marceline sticks her tongue out at me before turning to face Azriela and whispering into her ear, "Let's tickle Daddy!"

Azriela's eyes lit up like a light bulb and I laughed, they both stood up and reached out to tickle me.

"Oh no! Enough already." Although they weren't accomplishing much, I laughed. They backed away, laughing while their faces turned red.

" Daddy," I turned and looked down at Marceline. "Yes, Petal?"

"Can we please watch The Princess and the Frog?"

" Again?" I raised an eyebrow and looked over at the TV where they showed the credits and Azriela cupped my face with her wide-open eyes as she giggled.

"Yes again! And again! And again! And again." She flings herself onto the couch while raising her arms. "Till I look like Princess Tiana,"

"You are already a princess." I picked her up and sat her down on my lap, I did the same for Marceline, "Both of you."

"What's my princess's name?" Marcelle enquired tilting her head at me. " Only one can be Princess Tiana."

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