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Hello!! This chapter has some mentions of abuse! and there's a bit of violence in it as well. Take care <3


"All right, this one, this one!" As she chooses a cake for us to bake, Azriela exclaims with delight. I may not know how to cook, but making is my specialty. I mean, it can't be that difficult since the batter already comes in a box.

Azriela was clutching a strawberry batter box. I looked over at Marsey, who nodded while holding some frosting. "Strawberry cupcakes it is!" I give a small smile and move the stools closer to the counter so they can be raised.

I pushed their hair back and away from their faces as they stood there. Harry dropped them off in the early morning, explaining that he needed to run an errand before tonight because the babysitter was booked today.

His shirt was out of place, his hair was unkempt, and he had bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept at all. The girls were clinging to his hips and resting their heads on his shoulder. Azriela with her thumb in her mouth and Marsey playing with Harry's chain. They both didn't want to let go of Harr, and he appeared to be under some stress.

But with some effort, I brought them over my hips instead and laid them on my couch with blankets and warm sippy cups with chocolate milk.

Tonight is also the day I serve drinks. All I have to do, Harry told me, is wearing the dress he bought me. A black dress with pearl straps, some black heels, and serve some guys a drink while they talked about something.

Harry mentioned a deal, but he didn't elaborate on what kind of deal it was. He said it wasn't really my business.

But everything seem pretty easy, but it didn't stop the nerves in my body. I tried to distract myself with Azriela and Marceline. I started by watching The Princess and the Frog twice because they said one wasn't enough for them.

Then they raided my wardrobe to play dress-up and put on a small performance for me. They looked very happy, drowning in my dress and large heels, giggling when I would shoot and take various pictures of them, then they gave me a makeover.

Azri and Marsey did my hair and makeup, dressed me in mismatched outfits, and finally took a nap. I cleaned my apartment while they slept, and as soon as I was done, their little eyes opened up, demanding to watch The Princess and the Frog once more while they ate pizza, and now we're baking a cake,

I helped them add the ingredients, and my heart warmed when I heard their little giggles. Their faces getting dirty with flour, but their smiles were adorable. They played in my living room while we waited for the cupcakes to bake.

When they were finished, I immediately let them cool before decorating them with white, pink, and green icing and a few butterfly charms. The girls even helped make Harry cupcake.

Blue and red because of Spider-Man. "Daddy looks like Spider-Man," they said. While they told me stories I couldn't understand, I, therefore, let them do as they pleased.

We even heard music, dancing to Taylor Swift, and singing, with the girls putting on a show for me by jumping around my apartment and flipping their hair in all kinds of directions.

They were hyper because of all the candy Azriela and Marsey had. They showed me how to dance like ballerinas by spinning around, as they did for their ballet performance.

When it was finally time for them to go to bed, I showered them in the bathtub, where they played with toys, made bubbles, and listened to music while the water splashed out and soaked me.

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