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My anxiety was through the ceiling when I woke up this morning. I tried to distract myself by pacing around my home, but I couldn't stop the nerves.

I had intended to call Andrea to let her know what had happened but decided against it. She would probably be mad at me for helping Harry out.

I nearly smoked an entire pack of cigarettes on my balcony while drinking more than six cups of coffee.

By the time seven hit, I was nauseous from the constant smoking and coffee.

I spent the entire time sitting on my bed, fidgeting with my hands, and staring in the mirror. I ended up straightening my hair and doing my makeup several times. I abruptly rose. As I make my way to the mirror in my bedroom, my heels tap against the floor. I stand there, admiring myself. On my face, a smirk begins to form.

My dress was golden, sparkling in the light. It went all the way down to my feet. A slit started from the top of my hip, exposing one of my legs. On the opposite side, there was a small cutout to show more of my skin. The dress had one thick strap that crossed over and hugged my left shoulder. Another small, triangular cutout was in the middle, exposing a little cleavage. I turned to the side to admire the back. The dress hugged my curves perfectly, and my back was fully exposed. It was very easy for someone to tear it off of me.

When the doorbell rang, it jolted me out of my daydream, and I took a deep breath before confidently approaching the door. I opened the door and met Harry there. " Look! He knocks." he sends me a mocking glare.

He was eating a black button-up shirt with a black suit; his hair was parted in the middle; Harry plucked his lips with his finger eyes running down my body.

"That's what you're wearing?" I gulped, and as soon as he entered, he paused momentarily and passed me.

I turn around, and my heartbeat quickens. I inwardly cursed at myself, looking down at my clothing.

I knew I should have dressed differently. "Is it bad?" I go to turn around, thinking, "I can, uh, find something else," but Harry grabs my wrist and turns me so that I'm back facing him.

"I never said it looked bad." He takes a step closer to me, leaving just a few inches between us.

"Well, then, I guess I'm wearing this." I turn my head, nibbling on my lower lip, and glance back at him. He appeared and smelled fantastic.

His lips look soft and pink.

Harry turns to face me, placing the bag on the ground. His gaze once more descends upon my body.

"You look good," he says, moving in closer and tilting his head. "I thought red looked good on you, but gold might win."

I grin, feeling the heat rising throughout my body. When I turned my head away, he tutted, "Look at me," and I focused my eyes on his.

His eyes were a lustful green that was mixed with something else I couldn't read, and they were so dark that hardly anything could be seen in them. "Don't be so shy with me,"

"I'm not shy." I giggled, and Harry hummed, lowering himself to grab something from the bag before he was up on his feet again.

"Do you think I can strap this on you?" He had a garnet, a knife, and a gun in his hands. "Just safety precautions."

" Right." I squinted my eyes at him; he smiled, dropping to his knees.

I took a long breath in and turned to face Harry. He doesn't move for a while, and I start to get butterflies in my stomach. Harry takes his time to scan my body with his eyes.

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