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In the tranquil embrace of the morning light, I found myself entangled in a moment of pure bliss. The soft sound of her snores reverberated gently, creating a soothing symphony that enveloped my world. I watched as she shifted beneath the covers, pulling herself closer to me. Her cold hands lay directly over my heart, a comforting reminder of my presence.

It had become a routine; for days now, she had been sleeping with her hand over my heart. Ever since I told her to feel my hand at the hospital. It felt as if she was guarding it, as though she feared my heart would stop while we slept. Her fears were unspoken but ever-present, an unshakable worry that made me feel a profound sense of responsibility.

As the morning light seeped through the curtains, Juliet stirred, her eyes fluttering open and close again. She peels her eyes open again, a smile that graces her lips upon seeing me warmed my heart. "Good morning, baby," I whispered. Her bonnet was no longer in her hair, Instead on the pillow next to us so I pushed her frizzy curls back, looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

"How long have you been up? Do you need anything?" She asked again, and I grinned, leaning down and pressing my lips on her. Immediately she shuts up, and I kiss her harder, feeling Juliet lean closer and press her lips against mine. "Relax, baby. I'm fine. Talk to me. Let's savor our morning before the little ones wake up." Juliet smiles, "I just want to enjoy these perfect moments with you and only you."

Juliet playfully rolled her eyes, her teeth tugging at her lower lip. "Good morning, sunshine," she murmured before capturing my lips in a tender kiss. The moment, however, was short-lived as she pulled away with a teasing smile. She called me sunshine; I'm here, sunshine.

My heart beat quicker at the sight of her. It scared me a bit how much she meant to me, how I just wanted to be in her little world. How her affection was enough to make me go fucking insane

We remained tangled under the covers, her legs nestled between mine. My injured arm lay across her waist, while my good arm was positioned just beneath my head. Juliet's hands had found their place around my neck, creating a sense of warmth and closeness that seemed to defy time and space.

I can't wait to marry her. Make her mine—spend the rest of my life kissing her, making her feel good, loving her.

As I held her, I marveled at the sensation of completeness that washed over me. If I were to die at this very moment, with her by my side, I knew it would be enough. Her scent enveloped me, sending shivers down my spine as I couldn't help but pull her closer. My hands inched beneath her shirt, tracing the contours of her warm skin, each touch etching itself into my memory.

Just wanted to memorize every inch of her perfect skin.

Juliet inhaled sharply, her body reacting to my cold hands. "Your hands! They're cold," she giggled, her eyes dancing with amusement. " God stop it,"

Grinning, I shifted my icy hands to another part of her body, causing her to squeal with laughter. "Harry, stop," she protested, her laughter infectious. Everything about her is perfect.

With a raised eyebrow, I gazed into her eyes, a mischievous glint in my own. "You know what would make me feel better?" I suggested, unable to hide my playful intent. "I think it can even heal me if you think about it."

She met my gaze, her expression transitioning from a smile to a teasing, amused one. "What? Me staying home from work again?" she inquired, a playful lilt to her voice.

laughing, I hummed. "taking this off." I gripped her shirt and stared into her eyes. "Take all the damn pain away."

"Oh, fuck off!" She giggles. "How is that supposed to heal you, huh? the healing power of my naked body?" Juliet teases " I don't know how."

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