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"Have you ever gotten waxed into a heart?" I started laughing out loud as I climbed the stairs to my apartment.

" No? Andrea, why in the world would you do that?" She giggles.

"Women usually find that kind of stuff attractive. I know if I were to hook up with a woman and see that I would probably marry her."

"Good to know." I was already out of breath when I reached my floor and went through my handbag while holding the bags and my phone. "And who will be seeing this again?"

"Eh, I'm not sure." Already, I can picture her shrugging, "I've recently hooked up with anyone. No strings attached kind of fun."

"No feeling?" I hummed. "That's new."

"It just takes a really bad breakup." Andrea giggles, "What are you doing? You sound distracted."

"I'm trying to find my stupid key—are you still upset about her?"

"Why would I not? My very first girlfriend ever. I thought you were already at home. " Shifting the conversation, Andrea says.

"No, I was doing some grocery shopping. I haven't had anything at home. " I shrieked in relief when I finally found my key. "Finally! Do you have plans tonight? Do you want to join me and have a bottle of wine? " I set all of my things down before turning on my kitchen light. "I don't work till Tuesday,"

"I wish but tonight is parents' night, I'm going to meet all the little kid's parents."

" What time does it end?"

"Around nine I'm actually at the school, getting everything ready."

"What needs to be prepared?"

There was a pause, "You know presentations, kids' work, what we will be learning this year, their behavior, the typical. "

"Sounds... boring," Andrea giggles "Sorry! I apologize for being rude; nonetheless, I simply would not be able to interact with children in that way. "

"You're a doctor; that's the worst, in my opinion. You have to deal with little kids with a runny nose." I laughed and inserted my food into the refrigerator. "And with my mean parents, I wouldn't be able to do it."

"Yeah, but I see the kids for a few days, and then it's not my problem; you see the same twenty students every day."

"You make a valid point there,"

"At least you have time off for holidays and other wonderful things. I should have married a rich man since I never get a break.

"You are rich."

"My father is rich." I corrected her "I, on the other hand, can't even afford food."

Before she continues, there is more shuffling on the other side. "Same thing," Andrea says. "One day, you'll earn a doctor's salary. Oh, you forgot to tell me about the meeting with your brother. How did that go?"

"Oh, right. Fucking spectacular. Remember that guy from the casino?"

"The rude one that accused you of stealing" Humming I set my phone down, put it on speaker, kicked my shoes off, and washed my hands before grabbing a cutting board.

"I learn that he is friends with Zayn,"

"No way."

"Apparently, Zayn wants him to protect me, and they want me to move into some fucking apartments he owns. They appeared to have known each other for some time." Grabbing myself a wine glass, I poured myself almost everything.

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