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This is a long chapter :)

One month later, the weight of that message still hung heavy in my mind, like a storm cloud refusing to dissipate. Every time I glanced at it, it felt like a knot tightening in my chest, a constant reminder of the choice I made to protect Harry and his family—a family that was once mine.

I felt like a sick person for keeping it to myself—but I couldn't tell anyone, I didn't know how. Despite my resolve to stay strong and vigilant, the fear lingered, gnawing at the edges of my thoughts. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of every shadow holding a potential threat.

I knew who was watching me now—but I didn't know where in the shadows they were. I knew Gwen enjoyed this...watching me panic under her evil game.

I stayed silent on my reason for staying so long... the only person who knew was Denver. I didn't plan on telling him—but as soon as he met my sad gaze, as soon as he noticed the tension I held, I couldn't resist myself.

Denver is a good friend. He always reassured me when times get rough. "That should be the last box," Denver grumbled—sweat rolling down his forehead as he stood up straight, looking around the apartment. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of sweats.

His face was red from the constant movements, his hair sticking to his skin. I stood straight with Sunlea on my hip and I smiled. "Thank you, you know you don't have to stay here, right? You can go back to Italy," I grumbled, looking around the apartment again.

"I know," Denver nodded. "I will—when I know this person is dead... plus I've always wanted to leave Italy for a while... this is nice," he murmured with a smile looking at what we would call our next home for awhile.

Denver and I decided to buy a three-bedroom apartment together. I took the master, Sunlea took the bedroom near me, and Denver took the last one. He insisted on staying with me when he saw the message. Said it was the best option just in case something happened and I was more than grateful. I wanted to sort things out—I wanted Harry to have a chance with Sunlea. And plus... I couldn't leave—not after I was threatened to stay.

"I have to go meet up with Sunlea's father." His daughters are finally meeting her," I grumbled. I was seeing them again after a very long time. It took a lot for Harry to adjust to having another kid. I don't blame him. It's a lot to take in all at once. I know he's an amazing dad—I know he would love Sunlea just like he loves his other daughters but it was hard to adjust. Even though she was young, he missed out on the pregnancy, the births—her first few months. I was nervous, I won't lie... I wasn't ready to be in the same room as Marceline and Azriela, and well Harry again.

I felt guilty—what if they hated me? What if they forgot about me? What if they don't care about me? I don't blame them if all that is true, but deep down, it would hurt more than anything in the world. But I did hurt those girls; I caused them unexplainable pain because I was also hurting.

I let Harry have his quality time with Sunlea—and I had mine. We were coparenting... sometimes we would be near each other but I tried my best to keep my distance even though every time we were near each other I couldn't stop myself from looking at him like I used to. I wanted to still hate him but I couldn't. He stole my attention-- and made my heart beat like it was about to burst.

Harry asked me to go today, and I agreed because three kids in one go might not be the easiest. I also wanted to finally see the girls—I've prepared myself. I needed to see them. I also need to tell Harry about the message. Hiding it for a long time made me feel guilty.

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