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Stirring in my sleep, I blew out a breath and looked up at the windows and the tower. It was still as beautiful— the sun was coming out soon, and I was just watching... I wasn't tired. I was wide awake. For some reason all I could think about was last night. How I felt. How Harry treated me. It was such a good experience.

"Harry," I whispered, feeling him stir in his sleep—he slept on the other side of the bed, not coming close to me the whole night. He respected my privacy. I say, "Harry," quietly blinking and staring out the window.

"Juliet, get some sleep." I rolled my eyes and tucked my hands under my face as I turned to face him. Harry had unkempt hair, a hand under his head, was shirtless, the comforter gathered around his hips, a small pout on his lips, and was snoring lightly.

"Harry," I whispered again, watching him move once more and turn to lie on his side. "What do you want, Juliet?" He fluttered his eyes open to stare at me until I swallowed, then he quickly closed them again. " Mhm?"

"Wanna go to the tower to watch the sunrise?" He blew out a sharp breath and rolled his eyes. "Please."

"Did you seriously wake me up for that? You do realize that these little getaways are the only nights I sleep."

"Fine, I'll go." I got out of bed and went to the bathroom brushing my teeth and removing the bonnet from my hair while seeing how neatly my curls lay. The long T-shirt that belonged to Harry flowed down and sat above my thighs.

Returning to the room, Harry was seated on the bed, his small light illuminating the entire space. "You're coming?" I smiled, moved towards my suitcase, and pulled out a pair of black leggings. Harry turned to face me when I did so, and he tilted his head up when I took his T-shirt off. I giggle—

"I'm not going to leave you alone. There are crazy people out there."

"Crazier than you?" I grinned when he scoffed and stood up, stretching, I pulled a shirt over my head. "I am not crazy." Harry walks over to me, his sweatpants hanging low and his ferns poking out.

"Jesus, the things you ask for." He shakes his head and reaches into his bag, pulling out a T-shirt. As he puts his shirt on, he flexes his biceps, running a hand over his messy hair.

I just smile sweetly at him, and then he goes to the bathroom. I wait for Harry to finish putting on his shoes before we both cross the street and head for the tower.

Being outside and feeling the wind in our faces was a huge comfort. Still visible and dazzling brightly were the stars. I grinned and walked over to Harry while keeping my hands in my pockets. I took a look around—there were a few people around as well.

"Do you ever just look at the stars and wonder how something so beautiful can exist?" I turn to look at Harry as I feel his intense gaze piercing through me. " What?" I giggle his eyes shift from my eyes to my lips.

"You like looking at stars?"

"My favorite thing to do," I admit in a single breath, "I look at them all day." I look away, but this time towards the tower.

Following a little period of stillness, I simply allowed nature and the quietness to soothe me. Here I was. In France— a country I never imagined myself with Harry next to me.

Harry was also a man I would never kiss, touch, or do anything with, but life works in the craziest ways, and everything that wasn't supposed to happen did.

A man who can be so kind yet so cruel, one who is full of surprises. A man who gives me the feeling that I've lost my mind—not in a bad way. A man that makes me feel dizzy when he looks at me.

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