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It is a humorous thing.

As his wife, you can say I loved him. But as a human being, I hated him. I stumbled through the hospital doors, my hand pressed firmly against my abdomen, crimson seeping through my fingers. I felt a sudden panic, my head yelling at me preparing for the harsh reality. What is happening to me?

I was leaning into Harry as he held me. Panic surged through my veins as I felt the warm trickle of blood, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of fear. "It hurts." I cry. "It hurts. It hurts. Please." I knew a part of me was slowly dying with each step I took. I knew I was slowly killing myself mentally. I suck in a breath, repeating the never ending words.

Tears blurred my vision, my brown eyes wide with terror as I struggled to make sense of the overwhelming pain coursing through my body. With each step, the world around me spun in a dizzying whirl, the scent of the hospital suffocating in its intensity. I closed my eyes shut.

Harry's voice pierced through the chaos like a beacon of hope, his shouts echoing off the hospital walls as he desperately pleaded for help. "Help! Someone, please help us!" His words were laced with a mixture of fear and determination, his hands shaking as he clutched me close, his own panic mirroring hers in every trembling breath. He was worried for me.

The doctors rushed towards us, and they said words that I seemed to not understand at the moment. I cried when they laid me on the stretcher, holding myself and tainting my skin with my own blood. Voices overlapped their urgency matching the frantic rhythm of my heartbeat.

"Get her into the ER, now!" One of the nurses barked, her tone sharp with urgency. My eyes searched for Harry while I gasped for air, and just as I expected, I saw him there—following behind like a lost puppy, his own eeriness and guilt trapped in his eyes and body. Harry looked scared, he looked guilty, when his eyes met mine I let out a cry, leaning my head back. I felt betrayed, hurt. It hurt so much.

I wanted to yell at him. Blame him for everything but at the same time I needed to be held, I wanted to be comforted and love. I hate feeling alone. I needed to cry in someone's arms and let out the pain I felt. I wanted to reach for him. Let him hold me—hold him, but my heart broke into a million pieces rejecting him. I couldn't let him in. Not when he hurt me. And I felt so alone. Who will I trust? Who will I trust? I'm alone. Alone. I felt so confused on what to do.

As we reached the emergency room, my cries mingled with the symphony of beeping monitors and bustling medical personnel. Fear clutched at my heart l, and uncertainty loomed over her like a dark cloud.

I sucked in a breath, my eyes shutting. Needles went into my arm, and I just grew numb.

"Hey, you're okay." Harry came to my side, grabbing my hands, and I pulled away. "No. No." I was shaking my head and trying to turn away. Harry leaned in close to me, his voice trembling with emotion. "It's okay, baby. you can do this," he murmured, his eyes locked with mine in a silent promise.

I nodded weakly, tears streaming down my cheeks as I clung to his words like a lifeline. I needed this support, even if I'd end up hurt. "I'm scared, Harry," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the hum of the machines surrounding them.

"I know, baby," Harry replied, his grip on my hand tightening with resolve. "It's okay." I shake my head, tears streaming down my cheeks, and I feel like throwing up. My eyes grow heavy, my body tingling with pain but at the same time it vanishes. Until my eyes closed shut.

Bright lights. A dream. That was where I was. At least I think I am, but when I stepped through the gates, flowers surrounding me and a sense of tranquility washed over me, enveloping me in a bittersweet embrace. I looked around in hopes of seeing something recognizable. The air was crisp and clean, carrying with it the scent of fresh flowers and distant memories. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground below, illuminating the path ahead in a soft, ethereal glow.

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