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It only takes me a second to figure out what the hell happened. My head banged against the door, shooting pain. "What the fuck-" I yell, and Kasen's hand was on my chest, protectively laying there.

I laughed—it just came out of nowhere, my hand covering my mouth when I realized what the hell I had done.


I turn to face Kasen, who had equally wild eyes, his gaze shifting from mine to most likely the blood dripping from my face. "You're bleeding," he frowns.

I need a cigarette.

My hands reach up, softly tapping on the blood and looking at my fingers. "How deep is the cut?" I turn to face Kasen, his brown angelic eyes peering deeply into mine before shifting to the cut.

Kasen shook his head, "No, it's not deep; it's small. Juliet, how do you feel?"

I ignore his question because, to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel. It was an odd sensation. My heart was still racing, and my mind was racing with various thoughts and emotions I was attempting to feel.

I turned to look inside the car, but the windows were completely dark.

"Are you okay?" he inquired once more "How are you feeling, Juliet? Talk to me, I'm worried."

"Hmm... okay—I'm fine? Are you? I think I have a concussion. I need to get out of the car," I swallowed heavily. "I need some fresh air."

My breath became heavy, and my breaths became short; I could feel panic rising within me, the car shrinking, and everything around me spinning.

" My head hurts." I turn to face Kasen, panic rising within me.

I took a deep breath and shook my head once. "Are you all right, Kasen? Did you get hurt? " My head shook. "Outside please."

"Relax, beautiful, I promise I'm fine," He says quietly. "Are you sure you're doing fine? " His gaze was drawn repeatedly to mine.

My side was wrecked. There was no way I could open the door.

I wanted to check on the other person.

"Has anyone called an ambulance? Police? " I pat my legs "Where did I put my phone?"

" I did. Juliet, you were gone for about five minutes."

"What?" I swallowed. Pointing to his door again, shaking my head.

" No- I wasn't. I didn't— what?"

"I kept talking to you, and you weren't answering." I scowled as I took another glance at the car. "You scared me."

"Let me out of the car; I want to check on that person to see if they're okay. Please— please."

"Juliet, don't do that; you might pass out. Take deep breaths for me," Kasen says while shaking his head.

"If I faint, as a nurse, I expect you to do what you know, and now, as a doctor, if that person is bleeding, I want to help." Kasen gives me a momentary look. "I won't let whoever is in the car die. Please."

I glanced at my lap as Kasen continued to stare at me. He opens his side of the car door and gets out.

I try to crawl out, walking away from oncoming traffic and examining the two cars and how they collided. "My car," I whine. There's no way they'll be able to repair such an old car. " Fuck." a hand runs across my face.

Money is down the drain.

"What the hell?" When I heard the sound of another car door, I frown and let out a groan. My head jerks towards it as I watch a man walk out. He was leaning against the door, his gaze fixed on me.

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