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"When I walk into your stylist shop, what should I expect?"

"Well, she already has many dresses up and on display, and she only has one of each. She's really lovely and can make it fit you perfectly.

I hummed and took a sip from my coffee, placing it between my thighs remembering Harry's words, and placing it into the cup holder. I turn towards Abigail, who was driving.

"Do you regularly attend these events?" After a little pause, I asked the question.

Before seeing the stylist, we had lunch. Both of us were simply chatting and getting to know one another a little better.

Abigail was the most charming and amazing person. For the first time, she wasn't wearing any long sleeves. She had numerous small and large tattoos covering scars, some of which were even obvious, on her arm. Abigail was wearing a t-shirt with a design on the front and some baggy jeans.

Her perfectly straightened hair was flying around, the wind striking her face. Abigail turns to look at me, catching me staring.

"I do hope you don't mind loud music because that's one thing I need to do when in a car." she grins leaning forward and turning on the music.

" Harry, told me about the interview you attended?" Abigail raised an eyebrow looking my way. " It was today, right?"

" Oh! yeah," I laughed nervously " This morning."

" How did it go? Tell me all about it."

" I think it went well." I bit my inner cheeks. " I don't know— I love the hospital, it's so beautiful and different from my last plus everyone is just so nice, my other job was a bit toxic,"

I chuckled. "I hope I get the job, plus the pay is so much better, and it's closer to my apartment."

She exclaims, "You will!" and turns to face me once more, her brown eyes glistening. " Harry suggested the hospital right?"

" He did."

She smiles " You'll get the job."

"I hope you're right. You work at the casino, right?"

Abigail nods, "I do. But sometimes, if Harry allows it, I'll go on jobs with him. If it's not risky,"

"What kind of jobs do you guys do?" I wondered.

" Um. Deals—with other people, and even though certain jobs are a little riskier and I'm not permitted to go, they do take me when the deals are at art galleries, museums, gala dinners, break-ins, or anything else exciting and extravagant, or when they genuinely need me to lure any guys their way."

"So you're used as a distraction for men?" I frown a little.

Abigail chuckles, "Well if you say it that way, it sounds horrible. We all have something to offer in this work area. Liam can pick any lock or open any safe, Niall is all about technology, so he can hack into anything even the FBI database," she giggles, "Got us out of a ton of built-up cases. Louis can pickpocket anything, and anyone but he's also extremely skilled at manufacturing small technologies like earpieces or cameras, and Harry—well, Harry's just our boss."

"That's fucking a lot." I let everything sink in thinking. "Harry does nothing, then."

"Harry guides us and ensures us that everything is done correctly. I will admit that Harry is good at keeping an eye out for us and making sure we don't step into a trap. Don't know how that man does it and takes care of twin girls."

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