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Harry wasn't lying when he said that we would stay in Spain until I felt well. The first few nights, a piercing scream would shake me out of a nightmare and cause me to awaken in the middle of the night. Harry was there by my side right away, trying to calm me down once I woke him up.

While my heart raced and I struggled to catch my breath, the remnants of the nightmare were still haunting my mind. I sat up in bed, a chilly sweat covering my body, looking for comfort in the cozy darkness of the space. Knowing that the horrors of my dream were nothing more than a fabrication of my imagination, I couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of worry as the adrenaline slowly melted.

But the imagination felt so real— so scary. It didn't leave my head. It was the only person I somehow wanted to protect.


We were in the basement. The basement loomed in darkness, its musty air thick with an unsettling silence. Shadows danced ominously across the cold, damp walls, as if concealing secrets that should never see the light of day. The dark maroon floors, I wasn't sure if that was the color or blood, but it was frightening.

We were both tied up in chairs, in front of each other. and there were these men... exactly like the men in my mother's murder.

"Should I kill him?" They would question me while putting a knife to my throat to stop me from screaming or moving. They laughed at my fear as I sobbed and gently shook my head.

"No," I told them. "No, please."

But each time I begged, they would slowly sever Harry's flesh while he screamed in agony. It was a replay of my mother's passing, only this time it hurt worse.

I begged them to turn around and take me instead, but they weren't interested. I woke up screaming just as he was about to pass away because it felt so real.

And as Harry held me close to him without saying a word, I was back to having the same panic attack and normal breathing. He first asked me, but he stopped when I remained silent.

I couldn't tell him; how could I?

How do I tell Harry that I witnessed his death in the same way as my mother's? I was terrified. After a few days, it abruptly stopped, but I still couldn't fall asleep because I was too afraid to close my eyes and picture the same death, which never left my mind.

It was a nightmare that always somehow resurfaced.

Today I was completely healed. Harry woke me up early today, telling me he had some plans considering it was his last day in Spain.

which I found to be bittersweet. I was glad to return home, go to my friends and the twins, and start working again without fear of being caught. What we did has been all over the news.

10 fatalities, 2 critically injured, 2 auto accidents, an explosion, and a robbery. I had become weary of hearing the same thing repeatedly.

However, I couldn't help but feel sadness that I was leaving and wouldn't be able to see the stunning sunrise paint the sky with an incredible array of vivid hues. The ground was touched by a pleasant glow that was cast by golden rays that broke over the horizon.

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