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When Juliet goes up the stairs, I'm going back inside and around the corner, looking at Pablo one last time—blood pooling around his leg as he screamed for help.

I lean against the wall, peek over, and shoot the first person who was fighting with Niall. The man falls to the ground and shouts.

Where did these people come from?

As I walked back towards Pablo, I grabbed his shirt collar and shoved him against the wall. "What exactly did you do?" His sinister laugh boomed around the room, sending shivers down my spine. His eyes glinted with malice."

"What are you on about?" When he inhaled deeply, his words were cut short, his hands were bleeding, and his face was almost as white as a ghost.

I could feel my rage building inside me like a volcano about to erupt. My fists were clenched, and my heart was racing. I grabbed him again and pointed the gun toward his chin. A loud thump came from behind me.

I turn my head over my shoulder, seeing a body drop—I didn't pay much attention looking back at Pablo.

"If you kill me, you won't get out of here alive." Pablo laughs, and I raise an eyebrow.

"Is that what you think?" He looked puzzled at me while he laughed, and I smacked the gun barrel across his skull.

His head snaps back, slamming into the wall. I scooped him up and slammed him against the wall again while he shouted out in pain.

Reloading my gun, I shot him right in the head. Blood splattered everywhere, covering me and the wall with it.

Someone pulled me from behind, pushing me until I crashed against the wall. I groan, turning around to see a guy approaching me.

Head first. His fist made contact with my ribs, sucking all the breath from my body.

My fist collides with his ribs, driving him back, and he stumbles as a result of the excitement rushing through my veins.

My fist collides with his face, his nose crushing beneath my fingers, blood oozing out.

Every muscle in my body was stiff and ready to go. We cautiously circled each other, then he lunged at me. We exchanged punches, each attempting to gain the upper hand.

My head whips back, and my vision blurs for a split second. I can feel the hit down to my bones, and it takes me a second to catch my breath.

Loud gunshots reverberate throughout the room, and the body in front of me collapses to the ground. I looked down at my hands, which stung and were covered in blood from the punches.

Abby stood a few steps away, breathing furiously and sweating profusely, her bandana still covering half of her face.

She looks around the room in panic, words leaving her mouth before I can talk. "Where's Juliet?" Abby's eyes are wide as she glares at me furiously.

I arched an eyebrow, "She left."

"What from where?" Abby turned to face me as she put a bleeding palm on my arm. " Harry."

"She left through the stairs, what?"

Juliet's voice echoes in my earpiece. "Harry," I hear her say. "Help me, please."

Abby gave me the same face as she stared at me. I quickly turn around and exit the small room. As I open the door, I hear her voice once more, and with each step I take, I feel as though I am moving further away from her.

My chest hurt from the hammering of my heart. I was having trouble breathing, and my hands started to shake. I jumped at every sound and couldn't get rid of the idea that she was in danger. Even though I was aware that I needed to keep moving, each step seemed as though it were made in quicksand.

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