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Being stuck in traffic in a cab with a driver who won't stop playing 50s rock on a broken cd player, and a best friend who doesn't seem to be interested in hanging up his phone is the worst way to be welcomed to a foreign country I didn't even want to move to in the first place.

"I wish I could squeeze your cheeks right now, sweet pie"

The fvck did I just hear?

"How is Liam? Did you feed him? I hope he isn't troubling my sugar boo"


A big fat ew.

Looks like I gotta bleach my ears now. Why are couples so cringe? Like bro, you never call me your sweet pie, hello? And who talks non stop on the phone. Isn't it annoying listening to the same voice and looking at the same face 24/7? I can never understand love or whatever it is called. Relationships are just not my thing. I mean, i have had crushes but no, I don't see myself dating anytime soon. I just can't imagine myself with someone and wanting to spend my days with them like my friend Gyu-

Goodness Gracious!! Where are my manners? I didn't even say hello wtf.
Hi, my name is Soobin. Choi Soobin or Soobin Choi depending upon where you come from. I am nineteen years old and I just landed in California where I'll be spending my next three years for college. You see this guy sitting beside me? No, not that one, he is the driver. See this brunette who looks to be around my age and was just now talking in baby voice with his boyfriend? Yeah, him. He is Beomgyu, my best friend. And the other guy on the line is Taehyun, not Liam, unless you got confused. Liam is his pet snail that he found near the pond a while ago after Aurora ran away. (She was actually murdered by my giant shoe but don't tell Beomgyu. He thinks she eloped with her lover. I know he is dumb, forgive him)

We graduated high school together earlier this year and because we are literal soulmates, we ended up in the same college. Platonic soulmates mind you, cause Taegyu is hella real. We all know that.

They met last year on some school festival I didn't bother attending and within a week, Beomgyu was head over heels for the younger boy aka Taehyun and in less than a month, they became official. Real speed if you ask me.
And why did I not attend the only fun thing our school organizes once a year? Well, I had a book to finish so I escaped to the library. Now, now, I know what you are thinking. "Oh my gosh, Soobin y/n moment where he is busy reading hot smut away from everyone and suddenly the mafia boss who hates everyone but him, shows up in a suit and confesses his love." News flash, nothing like this happened and I'm not into mafia bosses because they are super annoying like dude, who said you were an alpha male? Are you a werewolf or what?

Anyways, that was my introduction. Nice to meet you bestie.

"We have arrived"

After hours, we indeed have arrived. Beomgyu's mom had made arrangements for the two of us to stay at his cousin's place. Bless that woman for helping two broke fresh high school graduates. She has been helping us a lot, especially me, be it with my college application or visa processes, Mrs. Choi is an angel. She is really close with my mom so whenever she isn't around which happens a lot, Mrs. Choi takes care of me. I like her. Really do.

"Come on Soob" Beomgyu took out all the luggage from the trunk with the driver's help and nudged my shoulder. Of course, the older pays.

"That's a nice house" a moderately big house painted white from top to bottom and a lawn in the front. Wow, California houses are cool.

"Let's go in"

I followed Beomgyu to the door and waited while he knocked. I wonder how his cousin is. Is he friendly? Or mean? He can't be mean considering the fact that he is letting us live with him. But what if he is like those narcissistic male leads? Naah, Beomgyu's cousin is going to be like him. I don't even know why I'm so bothered. I have no clue about how he even looks like.

There was shuffling behind the door and three figures appeared in the sunlight. Two were short, one blonde and the other black, and the third boy, the tall one, almost as tall as me, had dyed his hair bright blue. Very damaging if you ask me. The black haired boy was smiling but the blonde and the blue were glaring at us. Infact, there was softness and curiosity in the blonde's eyes but the blue boy, damn he got cold eyes. Almost sent shivers down my back.

"Hi" Beomgyu beamed.

I bowed and heard a snicker. Must be the blue boy. I hope he isn't the cousin. I am not getting good vibes from him.

"Welcome fvckers"

Wait, who said that? The black one? No, he didn't. Then was it the blonde dude? Doesn't seem like it. Don't tell me...

"You wanna stand there for the rest of the evening?" The blue boy raised his eyebrows at me. "Fine with me"

Before he could close the door, I wedged my left foot between the doorframe to stop him.

"Ow, no..wait" I winced and he gave me a look before letting me in.

Oh for heaven's sake, why is the blue boy Beomgyu's cousin? Why, oh why does he have to be such a hottie, straight out of a wattpad bod boy novel?
Can't the universe let my gay ass catch a break for once?


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