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Unedited :(


If only Poseidon was my dad, I won't have to sit here alone under the parasol, away from the sea. At times like this, I get extremely jealous of Percy. Being able to breathe under water, your cousin is the coolest cyclops, water powers that heal you after every battle, having a personal hippocampus who is available at your service anytime you want, and being the chosen one on top of all this? My guy is living his life.

Even though Hades is my favorite God, I sometimes wish I was the son of Poseidon. Yes, he isn't the best, we all know that. But his powers are the coolest. Even better than Zeus' (don't tell him I said that or he will fry me with his bolt)

"Why are you sitting here alone?"

A voice yelled at me, making me look up from my book because that's all you can do when you can't swim. Reading a book.

"I like it here."

Yeonjun chuckled, sitting beside me on the towel, and handed me a glass tumbler filled with chilled lemonade. "Here you go."

"I thought we didn't bring lemons." I said, raising my eyebrows and smiling at him. "Did you steal these from somewhere?"

Yeonjun shook his head, looking behind his shoulder and turning back at me. "Don't tell Beomgyu, okay?" He said, putting a finger to his lips and smirking. "If he found out I made lemonade and didn't give him, he would kill me."

"I won't." I said and took a sip, the cool liquid instantly relaxing my body. "This shit is amazing."

"Thanks." He said and ruffled my hair. Yeonjun got up and dusted his legs, tightening his swimming trunks. "You sure you don't wanna swim?"

"Naah," I said, shaking my head.

He nodded. "OK. If you change your mind, you know where to find me." He winked and jogged back to where my friends were playing in the water.

Honestly, whoever created lemonade deserves a Nobel price. A simple four ingredient drink that tastes better than any mocktail I've ever tried. Oh, and the lemonade made by Yeonjun? Definitely a 10/10.

"That was," a voice gasped beside me, startling me a bit. "extremely unexpected." Wooyoung sat up on his elbows and looked at me with his mouth open.

"Especially from him," Yunho added, removing his sunglasses and giving me a skeptical look.

"Um, what?" I asked, closing the lid of the tumbler and putting it beside me safely, making a mental note to thank Yeonjun later.

"Yeonjun being sweet to someone?" Wooyoung raised his left eyebrow and smirked at me. "I've never seen this in my ten years of friendship with him."

"What do you mean?" I said, feeling the familiar burning sensation on my cheeks.

"Yeonjun is never chummy with anyone. Not even with Yeji, who is literally a goddess and one of the many girls who happens to like him." Yunho added, shifting closer to me and crossing his legs.

"He is so different when you are around." Wooyoung said, his eyes roaming on my face, the sly smile not leaving his face.

In a distance, loud laughter could be heard. Beomgyu and Felix were throwing water at Mingi and San, and in a distance, Yeonjun and Changbin were having some sort of swimming race. I looked at him the exact second he turned his head in my direction. When our eyes met, he waved and winked at me, making me blush like crazy.

"Dude, he's flirting," Wooyoung said, nudging me in the side.

"That'd kinda sus." Yunho said, pressing his lips in a thin line, trying to suppress his smile.

"What are you talking about, guys?" I said, knowing exactly what they were talking about. "I don't get it."

"Oh poor baby," Yunho said, wrapping his arm around me and squeezing my cheek.

"How can you be so blind my dear?" Wooyoung asked, his face showing signs of sympathy. "I thought you were smart."

I looked at the two boys with wide eyes, not knowing how to respond to that.

"Oh God, Soobin," Wooyoung said, face palming himself. "My best friend is in love with you. Why can't you see this?"

I gaped at him, my mouth hanging open.

"Close it, honey," Yunho said, caressing my cheek. "And why are you surprised?"

"I-i." I searched for words but couldn't find any. I thought they were talking about my very obvious crush on Yeonjun, but no, I wasn't expecting this. Sure, he has made love with me, but that doesn't mean he is in love with me.

And Yeonjun isn't even into guys, or is he like he keeps saying these days?

I'm confused. This little chat with Wooyoung and Yunho is making my head spin.

Is Yeonjun really in love with me?


Omg we hit 12k?!?!?!?

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now