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"College. Or collegium as they call it in Latin, is a place where people of various ages went to acquire higher education and certifications. Τhe Platonic Academy, or simply, The Academy, was a famous school in ancient Athens founded by Plato in 387 BC, located on the northwestern outskirts of Athens, outside the city walls. The site acquired its name from the legendary hero Academos, becoming the first ever college to be built in the ancient Greek empire."

The guy with black hair halted in his tracks and looked around at the group of six students before continuing his lil speech.

"However, in today's world, colleges have transformed a lot. These days education system focuses more on personalized learning, equity, diversity and inclusivity. The framework has drastically changed. Similarly, here at University of Southern California, we make sure-"

"Excuse me?" the boy who was about to tell them how this college would make sure that everyone received the best education possible, he was very rudely interrupted by a nasal voice.

"Can we take a break? I think we all are tired."

The annoying high pitched nasal voice belonged to a girl with long brown hair who gestured at the students standing beside her. Some were yawning, some were busy amongst themselves, and one of them had his earphones on.

"R-right" he mumbled. "You guys are free to go" as soon as these words left his mouth, everyone's faces lit up. "I hope you all-"

Five people took a 180⁰ turn and left, without even glancing at the boy.

"-enjoyed the tour" I heard the boy whisper to himself.

He ran a hand through his black hair that were dyed white at the end and pulled his cardigan tightly towards his chest. He looked really hurt and that kinda made me sad. Angry even.

"Hey" without thinking anything, I called out to him to stop him and in three strides, I was standing right next to him.

"My name is Soobin. Choi Soobin." I grinned.

He studied my face for a second before breaking out in a pretty smile. "I'm San. Choi San."

"Wooho, Choi brothers" I extended my hand and he took it.



"I really liked the tour" I was being honest. I loved it. Everything he told us was very informative, considering the fact that I'm an History major, whatever information he gave us during the tour, was going to be super helpful.

"You did?" His eyes lit up.

"Of course." I smiled at him. "I've read about Plato. I like how you included him."

"Wait you do??!!" He almost screamed. "Me too!! I love his works. Republic is amazing."

"Omg yes, I read the abridged version two years ago."

We started walking towards the Cafeteria. This was my first day so I let my senior, Choi San, lead the way.

"No way!" San jumped on his spot. "Your dad used to work at Acropolis?"

I nodded. "Yes, for five years." For my besties who don't know what Acropolis is, it's a famous museum in Athens.

"That's so cool" we sat down at a table near the vending machine.

We sat there talking for a while. San told me how he this was his first time to be in charge to show the freshmen around and how hard he had prepared but nobody paid him any attention.

"Screw them" I sighed. "They are just a bunch of nutters who don't appreciate knowledge. Trust me, I enjoyed every minute of the tour. Here, I even made notes."

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now