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My head hurts. Like real bad. Last night was the first time I ever tried alcohol and I swear I never thought the hangover would be so had. Mental note: never drinking from the sketchy punch bowl and one beer is more than enough for me.

I wish I could've stayed at home and slept all day but oh well, education comes first before health. For me atleast. If you feel sick, do not hesitate to take a break besties. I can't because of the plot you see. Don't wanna mess it up for a measly hangover, or else the author would beat my ass.

"Soobin wake up. You have been dozing off since morning" Beomgyu nudged my side, forcing me to open my eyes.

"Let my son rest"

Yunho stroked my head that instantly made me even sleepier than I was before.

It was our recess. Today I was hanging out with Beomgyu and his friend Felix, the Australian boy. He is nice. And sweet. And kind. Let’s just say, he is the kind if person who you would want to be friends with forever. That's how Felix is. I am a stranger to him but he never made me feel awkward or uncomfortable. I think I like him and being friends with him would be great.

We were halfway our food when San, Yunho, and Mingi came over to our table. They are my seniors but the three of them are really really friendly. Infact, Yungi became super good friends with Beomgyu and Felix in no time, and I kid you not, Yunho is the taller and the Korean version of Felix. Both of them give me sunshine vibes.

"You good?" San whispered. He was sitting beside me, munching on his burger silently. I nodded, rubbing my eyes.

I tried focusing on the conversation that revolved around Yunho, Mingi, and Beomgyu sharing stories of their dating life, with Felix giggling shyly here and there.

Dating sounds boring. Being in a relationship never really fascinated me. I like the crush phase. The butterflies whenever your eyes meet, the intense pounding of heart when your hands brush against each other's, and that warm feeling when they call you by your name. I prefer this stage over relationship. When you start dating, these emotions start to fade, don't they? Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know, I guess I'll have to try relationships before giving my final conclusion.

Hearing Beomgyu talk so fondly about Taehyun who wasn't even present, and seeing Mingi look at Yunho with literal heart eyes made me smile. Not because I want to experience something like this myself. Nope, that's definitely not the case. It's because I think they are cute. Yeah, that's it.


An ear piercing voice echoed off the walls of the cafeteria and almost everyone's head turned to look at the source of the sound that, not very surprisingly, came from a black haired boy. Wooyoung.

"Sannie" he hopped over to our table and slipped between San and I, instantly wrapping an arm around the quiet boy who just shrugged in response.

Wooyoung is clingy. Very clingy. And from what I have noticed over the one week I've been here, he loves San. He wants his attention but San, my friend on the other hand, seems to be disgusted with the fact that Wooyoung likes him. Take right now for example. Wooyoung is trying to squish his cheeks but can you believe what he did? He legit pushed the poor boy back, right on me. And yet, Wooyoung only chuckled in response and attempted to grab his face once again.

I diverted my attention from the duo beside me and focused on the new-comers who have joined us for lunch today. Yeonjun and his other best friend, Changbin. Yeonjun was sitting beside Mingi, chatting about a sport called soccer. Seriously Americans, it's football. Soccer doesn't even make sense. Please make this change in your dictionaries.

Changbin was squished between Yeonjun and Beomgyu's friend Felix, who, for some reason was as red as a tomato. For a second I thought he wasn't breathing, his face as still as a stone statue.

Seeing so many people at my usual table made me a bit warm. It has always been the two of us; me and Beomgyu, sometimes just me because Beomgyu was in different clubs and had to eat lunch with his club members half of the time. Being surrounded with friends makes me happy.

My happy thoughts didn't last for long. My mood took a 180⁰ when three girls strutted to our table and started squeaking  like rats.

"Oh my gosh Yeonjun, you looked really hot last night" one of them said, smirking.

"Why did you leave so early? We didn't even get to play spin the bottle" another one who looked to be drenched in concealer, pouted. Ew.

The third girl pushed Mingi aside and slid in the seat right next to Yeonjun. "Hi" she fluttered her eyes and smiled.

I saw Yeonjun sigh before cracking the brightest smile I've ever seen on his lips. "Hey Minnie"

The girl called Minnie threw her long blonde ponytail back and bent forwards.

"Are you coming to Yuqi's party tonight?" She said in the most annoying voice.

Yeonjun gave Changbin a look who nodded once very subtly. "Of course we'll come"

Minnie giggled and hugged him. "I'll see you then" she blew Changbin a kiss and walked away with her friends.

I felt annoyed. Why? I don't know. Maybe because I just witnessed three women harassing a man. Look, if the roles were reversed, ya'll would not have batted an eyelid and would've flipped on Yeonjun, calling him out. I don't get why girls think it's okay to be all touchy with men like this. It seriously annoys me. And no, it's not because I have a thing for Yeonjun okay?

"Hey Soobin" Wooyoung poked me in the shoulder, catching my attention.

"Sorry about last night man" he smiled at me. "I can't believe you had to carry me"

That's right. This boy right here was blacked out drunk and I had to carry him all the way to his apartment that is on the fourth floor. I almost twisted my back, thanks to him.

"It's okay. You were drunk" I smiled back at him. You just cannot help but smile whenever you look at his face. Wooyoung is the definition of cheerful.

"How about" he slung an arm around me and hugged my waist. "I treat you to ice cream as a thank you?"

To be honest, I would love me some ice cream right now but before I could say yes, I caught eyes with San who was glaring at me. I think it would be better to politely reject Wooyoung.

"Thanks but I have something to do today" I lied. Why? Because San's expression was the same as last night's. Irritated. Jealous.

"Aw man" Wooyoung pouted. "I owe you one" he grinned at me and got up.

He patted my shoulders once and walked after Yeonjun and Changbin who were talking about the party and laughing. Does this guy ever spend a night at his own place?


_______________________________________Another late update let's goo~

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Another late update let's goo~

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