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I cannot breathe.

My chest feels heavy.

My brain cannot process any thoughts.

I feel cold.

Sweat droplets cling to my forehead.

My body feels awfully heavy but light at the same time.

I panicked and started moving my limbs in all directions. Feeling my lungs gasping for air, I almost screamed but before I could suffocate to death, the heavy mass of cloth lifted from my face, allowing air to finally hit my face.

I snapped my eyes open and took in a deep breath. Thank God I was alive. And the thing that was suffocating me? Oh, it's just a boy with electric blue hair lying on top of me.

Oh my gosh!!

I turned around in the awfully soft bed and saw something, or rather someone, snoring softly besides me. Yeonjun.

He was fast asleep, his hair covering his forehead and eyes. His lips formed a little pout. He was sprawled on his stomach, right on top of me. Yeonjun's cheek was squished on my chest, our breathing matching.

His hands were on his sides, one them almost choking me to death, but thankfully he lifted it before my lungs collapsed.

I looked down and without thinking, my fingers brushed the fringe that was sweaty. If you ask me bestie, I would say that this is a sight I would want to get used to seeing every morning when I wake for the rest of my life. No cap.


My head snapped in the direction from where the voice came and found two pairs of eyes watching the scene unfold. One of them had a glint of mischief and belonged to the guy who spoke, and the other held nothing but confusion.

"My babies got some action last night, huh?" Wooyoung smirked.

Before I could say something to defend myself, Yeonjun stirred. He brought his arms and gripped my waist, very tightly.

Wooyoung chuckled. "He is clingy" he pointed at Yeonjun. "Never saw him like this, right Changbin?"

Changbin studied my face but didn't say anything. Oh God this is embarrassing. Why is he looking at me like he wants to kill me and damn, Yeonjun's grip is strong. I could feel my waist getting numb and hoped his fingers didn't leave any marks.

"Do you want to stay like that or....?" Wooyoung raised his eyebrows, snapping a picture or two with his phone camera.

I blushed. I very carefully loosened Yeonjun's hold from around me and tried lifting him up, failing miserably.

"A little help please?" I asked the two boys.

Changbin and Wooyoung slid a hand each under his arms and hoisted him up, creating space enough for me to slide out.

"I thought he was sober when he left last night" Changbin said, looking at Wooyoung who just shook his head.

"That definitely wasn't the case" he grinned.

Wooyoung tucked his friend in bed and walked out.

Changbin and I stood there awkwardly. Honestly speaking, he intimidated me. We never talked. Only mingled whenever Yeonjun was there as a middle man.

"Just saying" he began. "Yeonjun is not into guys"

Um, okay? How does it matter to me? Why he talking as if-


Did he see my blush? So he thinks I like him? Which might be partially true but I already had a hunch that he was straight.

I looked at a sleeping Yeonjun, his pout was still there. He looked cute. Not the usual Yeonjun.

"So am I"

I replied and walked out, straight to my room.



I received a big molang plushie hit me right at the centre of my face, knocking my glasses off.

"Can you stop whining?"

He looked up from his laptop and the sheets of paper and glared at me. "What's troubling you that you have to disturb my study time?"

I rolled my eyes at that. "You? Study? Pfft"

Beomgyu threw a pencil at me that I dodged easily and helped himself sit up half-way, his face propped on his elbows resting on a pillow on the ground.

"I have assignments" he said bitterly, eyeing the books and cluttered stationery.

"Forget about it" he turned his attention back at me. "What's bothering you?"

I sighed.

"I'm gay~" I said, for some reason sounding annoyed.

"No shit sherlock" Beomgyu raised his eyebrows. "And what about it?"

I groaned and started rolling on the bed. You know when a female lead gets a cute text from her crush so she wraps herself in a blanket and makes some weird squeeling noises? Yeah, I was doing the same, except I was crying. Internally.

"But I'm not gay" I whispered loud enough for Beomgyu to hear and react.

"You did molly or some shit?" He got up and plopped himself beside me, laying his legs on my stomach. (molly=drugs)

"I want to come out" I whined again. For my entire life I've held this secret inside of me. Beomgyu is my bestfriend and he is also gay so he doesn't judge but I don't know about other people. What if they bully me? I don't want to ruin my college life.

"Why?" He studied my face and his eyes instantly widened. "Are you in love?"

"Nooooo" definitely not love. "A crush I guess" yes, that's true.

"Who is he? Do I know him?" He bombarded me with questions.

Now, I cannot tell Beomgyu that the guy I think I like is his cousin because point a) Beomgyu would definitely try to be a matchmaker and b) he would never stop making fun of me.

"Just someone in class" I lied.

His eyes narrowed but he didn't say anything.
"Is he openly gay? Your crush I mean."

He is openly straight. He didn't say that to my face but his bestfriend did and obviously bestfriends know each other well.

"Not sure"

Beomgyu hit my head. "Stop falling for straight guys"

How? Besties how do I stop falling for straight guys? It hurts because I'm closeted but it hurts even more when your crush is your bestfriend's brother who is the straightest guy on this planet!
I need some legit advice :(


I apologize for not uploading for the last two weeks. I caught the flu but I'm fine now. Hopefully I can post more chapters in the coming week.

Thanks for reading! Your votes and comments are appreciated!

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