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Apollo, the sun God is Artemis' brother. Unlike his sister who vowed virginity, Apollo was famous for being the handsome young man who had multiple affairs over the centuries. Typical gods.

But the reason why Apollo's sex activities are so widely discussed is because he is bisexual. Yes, you heard it correctly. Apollo had male lovers and he made love with them quite a lot.

Let me tell you an interesting story. Having fallen head over heels for the mortal man Hyacinthus, Apollo once gave up his bow and arrow to spend time with his new love. Another God named Zephyrus fell for this human at the same time.

This led to a love triangle that led to jealousy between Apollo and Zephyrus. However, the mortal man Hyacinthus chose Apollo, just like in every Kdrama where the girl chooses the male first lead even though he isn't the right person. And what happens to the second lead? Well, he gets out of the picture right? But this isn't a Kdrama. This is Greek history we are talking about where shit always goes down.

Zephyrus hated seeing the two men together so one day when Apollo took Hyacinthus out on a picnic, he followed them too. While the two men were playing with a Frisbee, the evil second lead sent a gust of wind to deliberately send the disc flying into Hyacinthus, thus killing him. Jerk move if you ask me.

Coming back to reality, in the last chapter, the author built some not very hetero tension between me and this other character, who is currently standing in front of me, his steel grip pinning me to the wall.


"Are you really okay?" I stared into Yeonjun's black eyes, trying to find any hint of discomfort or annoyance. But all I could see was his orbs dripping with lust.

"Yeah," he said, holding me by my waist, his touch electrifying my skin. "Why won't I be?"

I gulped, averting my eyes. "Just, you know because you-"

"Soobinie" Yeonjun smiled, making me look back at him. "As you said earlier, let's just forget about our sexualities."

He inched forwards, our chests now touching. He tiptoed and whispered in my ear. "I want you."

As soon as these words were out of his mouth, I leaned down and captured his lips with mine. What started as a slow kiss, turned into a heated makeout in no time. Yeonjun was biting my lower lip, asking for permission which I slowly gave, and as soon as he licked the inside of my mouth, I shuddered, moaning loudly. His hands slid down my waist, squeezing my sides harshly. And that's when my legs gave way, making me slide down to the floor.

Yeonjun crouched down in front of me, holding me steadily. He took my neck in his hands and deepened the kiss, taking the lead.

His hands slid from my neck to my hips, pulling me closer until there is no space between our bodies. Yeonjun guided me to the bare wall right in front of the tall mirror, pinning me between the mirror and the wall.

I gasped at the sudden cold contact and he took the chance to enter his tongue into my mouth, running his wet tongue over my teeth and the insides of my cheeks.

Yeonjun's kisses started to turn rough and I gladly returned the gesture, crashing my body onto him until he has nowhere to move about. My chest started rising and falling so fast under him as he sucked my tongue.

He tasted heavenly. His hands flew to my hair and he started tugging them painfully sweet, and it only means that he was enjoying this as much as I was.

My legs started to tremble again when he caressed my waist, pushing my coat off and loosening my tie, letting it drop on the floor.

"Stay still baby," Yeonjun said as he removed my belt from around my waist.

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now