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Out of bounds

I stared at the silver words etched on the wooden door.

"Are you sure?" I asked Yeonjun who was smiling beside me.

"Of course." He said, taking out a tiny key from his pocket.

I hesitated.

When I first moved here, this particular room was what grabbed my attention instantly. I asked Beomgyu but he said he never stepped foot inside and that he has no idea what Yeonjun was hiding there.

At first, I used to sneak around at night, waiting for Yeonjun to unlock the door so that I could peep inside but as time passed, I completely forgot that there was a sketchy room in this house.

Until today. Yeonjun had asked me to meet up with him after classes. I wonder what he wants to show me.

"I noticed you had trouble studying without a table" he spoke, inserting the key in the keyhole.

"A lot of trouble actually." I awkwardly chuckled.

"I know" he twisted the doorknob. "That's why I have something for you."

He pushed the door open, and stepped inside, switching the lights on.

Yeonjun is a boy who likes partying with friends. From what I have observed, he is the type to go clubbing simply to hook up and dump the person right away. He is your typical Wattpad male lead who wears black clothes and drinks all night long.

But do you know this straight out of Wattpad boy has a side to him that's hidden from the world? A part of him that he keeps concealed under the many layers.

"Welcome to my study room" he walked over to the center and asked me to stand beside him.

I was standing in what looked like a library of sorts. Three out of four walls were covered with wooden shelves full of books and what I'm guessing are comic books. A huge study table with a chair faced the fourth wall, right beside the window.

I walked to the shelf and read the titles. I never knew Yeonjun liked to read books. I thought he wasn't this kind of a person.

"You can use this room," He said.

I studied the ceiling. Constellations. Is this what Yeonjun meant when he said he was an astrophysics major?

"Woah" I caressed the book spines. He likes fantasy, a genre that not many people like because it's hard to understand.

The comic books or what he told me were called Mangas, were lined neatly on a separate shelf. Yeonjun is a reader. This was shocking yet exciting at the same time.

"So?" He tapped my shoulder to catch my attention. "What do we think?"

"I love it Yeonjun!" I beamed.
I scanned the room and smiled. "Are you sure I can use this room?"

He nodded. "You wanted to see what's inside didn't you?"

I blushed. When did he notice that?

"Can we keep this place our secret?" He asked. "I don't want anyone intruding on my personal space."

"Of course" I smiled at him and looked outside the window.

"You know" he walked over to where I was standing, "I never wanted to hide this place from you. When you told me how much you loved books and reading, I felt like showing you this side of myself."

I looked back at him and saw that Yeonjun was already staring at me.

"For some reason Soobin" He inched forwards, "you make me want to open up about myself. Be my real self."

The distance between us was closing and I am panicking really bad besties. Send help.

"You are different" he mumbled softly. "I want to show you the real Yeonjun."

He inched forwards and I closed my eyes. I could feel my cheeks burning and my heart beating faster with every passing second. Is the k-word going to happen?

After what felt like minutes, I felt his fingers on my cheek, squishing them gently.

"You are cute," he said, giggling.

Yeonjun backed away, maintaining sufficient space between us two, and looked outside the window. It was getting dark already.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. How can I think that we were going to kiss? He is straight, he said that himself.

"You can borrow whatever book you like," Yeonjun said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "No need to ask for permission."

I nodded.

I observed Yeonjun closely, for the first time today. He looked soft and fluffy, even though I know he has rock-hard abs under his sweater. Yeonjun is pretty. Really pretty and as I get to know him more, I find him so much more attractive than yesterday.

I wonder what it is about him. His voice or his eyes or maybe his blue hair? Or is it how he is cold and closed off with others or his words that made me feel special a minute ago?

I don't know. Not yet. All I know is that the boy in front of me, he stole my heart. I'll try to get over my crush soon because crushing on straight guys isn't good for my gay self, but for now, I'll let myself believe that it's just the two of us in this reality. Just us, being our real selves and loving each other.

It's not wrong to daydream now, is it?


A filler chapter~

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now