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Five people sat on the floor of Yeonjun's living room, four pairs of eyes fixed on a particular brunette who was busy munching on a bag of crisps.

"Sooo" Yeonjun began, looking at Beomgyu who was avoiding eye contact.

"Who are you?" Yeonjun nudged the stranger with his foot who fake groaned.

"Ow, that hurt." He said, rubbing his knee.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and glared at him, making the older shrink back. "What's your name and what are you doing in my house?"

The stranger shrugged. "I am Taehyun's bestfriend. My name is Huening Kai. You can call me Kai." He winked at Yeonjun who scrunched his nose.

"Can he stay with us for a while?" Taehyun pleaded with puppy dog eyes. "He got no home."

Yeonjun raised his eyebrows. "You are homeless?"

Kai shook his head. "Technically no. I'm from Hawaii so you can say I'm homeless in California."

Yeonjun rubbed his right temple. "Stay for how long?" He sounded irritated.

"4 days," Taehyun spoke. "He is going back home with me."

Yeonjun shook his head. "I do not have enough space."

Kai grinned. "I like the couch."

Yeonjun sighed. "Beomgyu you should-"

"Please Yeonjun. He came here to meet Taehyun." Beomgyu cut his cousin mid-sentence. "Look at him. He is so cute. Please let him stay."

Kai scooted closer to Yeonjun and batted his eyelashes, pouting his lips. He looked like a baby penguin.

"Gross" Yeonjun smacked him away, earning a chuckle from the boy.

"You can either share a room with these two" Yeonjun pointed at the couple who were cuddling, "or take the couch."

Kai put his finger on his chin and tapped it, his lips forming into a smirk. "I want to share a room with you and your boyfriend."

Silence. Beomgyu's head snapped in my direction, his eyebrows raised.

I looked at Yeonjun but he didn't make eye contact with me. Hopefully, he isn't mad.

"No," he said, loud enough for us to hear the anger dripping in his voice. "I like my privacy. You either take the couch or get out of my house."

He said, getting up from the floor, and walking away to his room. I could hear him slamming the door.

"Listen, Kai," Beomgyu said, gaining everyone's attention. "When you said boyfriend, who were you referring to?"

"Him of course." He pointed a slender finger in my direction. "This dude."

Beomgyu face palmed himself. "I see why he got mad."

"Why? Aren't you dating him?" He asked me.

I shook my head no, trying not to blush.

"But I saw you two-"

"How about," I got up, stopping Kai from saying whatever he was about to say and make things awkward, "we all go out tonight?"

Beomgyu eyed me suspiciously. "I thought you hated going out."

"Kai is here" I smiled at the younger. "We should take him and Taehyun out to some cool place before they go back."

"Yes!" Kai punched the air. "Can we go to a club? We are not allowed to enter one as we don't have IDs."

"No way-"

"Yes way!" Taehyun hugged his boyfriend. "Let's go to a club pleaseee."


I know I am the one who suggested we go out but right now, I was regretting ever opening my mouth.

Clubs have never been my thing. I have always hated going to clubs. What even is there to do at a club? Chug drinks, dance with sweaty people all around you, not being able to say no to strangers grinding on you, drinking till you drop, and then your friends carrying you back home.

I was supposed to study tonight. I have a very important assignment due in three days and what am I doing instead of working on it? Well, you guessed it. I'm here at a club, watching my friends drink till their livers stop functioning.

"This slaps harder than Mr. Park's belt," Kai yelled, chugging five tequila shots in one go.

"You are right" Taehyun yelled back. "That old man is a pain in the ass but this hits different."

Beomgyu and I looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The two high schoolers have been rambling about their teachers and classmates and how the entire school staff was stupid and needed to be kicked out for pressuring kids. Kai and Taehyun are in their last year which means college exams for them. I get why they sound so stressed. I was the same.

"Taehyun drink some water." Beomgyu handed his boyfriend a glass full of chilled water but he ignored the older.

"Bottoms up!" Kai and Taehyun clunk their glasses. "Let's drink our sorrows away."

Beomgyu chuckled. "Aren't they 17? Kids have sorrows?"

The night went on. I was still sober after a beer but Taehyun, Kai, and even Beomgyu were drunk like crazy. Beomgyu was sober enough to hold his boyfriend wound his waist, preventing him from falling over.

I glanced at my glass. It was still full of vodka and some other liquids that made the drink even stronger. I am not the one to drink more than one beer, especially not when all of my friends are on the verge of blacking out.

But one drink should not cause any harm right? Right?

Wrong. One drink caused a chain reactions in me, my mind going blank and my hands moving on their own accord. I don't know what happened but suddenly there were dozens of empty glasses in front of me. Did I drink all this?

I looked around, trying to search for my friends. My vision was blurry which made it harder. Where is Beomgyu? And Taehyun?

I got up from where I was sitting, taking a step towards the dance floor, hoping to find my friends there. I should have known that it was a bad idea to drink so much because, at this point, I could barely stand on my own legs.

"Beom-beomgyu" I muttered, my voice drowning in the loud music.

I felt weak. My legs were wobbly. My mind was racing. I could feel my body falling, ready to hit the floor.

My eyes were shut, waiting for the impact to come. But it never did.

My vision was too blurry to recognize the person who caught me right before I fell on the floor.

Before I blacked out, I felt someone hoisting me up and carrying me outside bridal style.

That's all I remember.


Huening Kai

Huening Kai

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