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Salty wind blew, ruffling my hair gently. Ah, the smell of ocean, so soothing, so calm. And the waves. The waves crashing against the rocks were like music to my ears. I wish I could I stay here forever. Away from the polluted city, away from chaos. Away from responsibility.

The last day of our week long vacation was coming to an end. Our bags were packed, piled up near the main door. The cars were taken to the gas station to get their tanks full for the trip the next morning.

All nine of us were trying to take in everything for the last time. The night sky, the ocean, the cabin, everything. Because who knows when will all get together like this, drinking the night away with no worries on our minds.

"Here is the beef."

Came a sweet voice, along with a mouth-watering odor.

"This is for you." he put down a tray of grilled beef strips on the table.

"And this one is for you," he winked at me, handing me the plate, and walked back to the barbecue where I had been working with Changbin for the last thirty minutes or so.

"Why does his look so different?" Wooyoung put his nose in my food and complained to Yeonjun, who was the one who delivered the meat.

"He likes bite sized," Yeonjun shouted back, turning his back to everyone, focusing back on the pork that was sizzling in the fire.

"He is biased," Wooyoung whined, chewing on a long strip of beef. "I like bite-sized, too."

San chuckled. "I'll cut it for you." He said, picking up the scissors, and started chopping the meat in tiny pieces, making Wooyoung smile wide.

"The pork is here!" Chabgbin walked into the balcony, balancing three plates.

"I'll help you." Felix sprang up, almost tripping over Beomgyu, who was busy playing an online game with Mingi, and skipped to where Changbin was standing, a wide grin on his face.

I am not sure if I'm imagining it or not, but I definitely saw Changbin blush. It wasn't obvious but subtle, just a little pink dust on his cheeks that vanished as soon as it came.

Honestly, I've been shiping them since Felix told me about how Changbin asked to share the the bedroom on the second floor with him because apparently he didn't want to sleep in the room next to Woosan. I don't know since when, but Changbin has been behaving very softly with Felix. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it too much.

"What are you thinking about?"

I felt a nudge on my shoulder and felt a weight on my lap.

Yeonjun's hand.

"Them?" He asked, pointing at a smiley Changbin and  giggling Felix.

"Yeah," I said, my mind focusing on Yeonjun's hand that was resting on my thigh.

"They are acting sus," he said, picking up a pork piece and popping it in his mouth. "For a while now."

I nodded, eating the food in front of me, the meat melting almost instantly in my mouth. "This is delicious,"

He smiled at me, his eyes lighting up. "Thanks, babe."

Ah yes, I keep forgetting that I'm dating this guy. How forgetful of me.

"What's happening here?"

It was Yunho who almost dropped his beer can. Why, you ask? He just saw Yeonjun wiping my cheek. But Soobin, isn't it normal for couples to touch their loved ones here and there? Well, duh, it is, but they don't know we are a couple. Why, you ask? It's because of this:

"WHAT?!" Wooyoung screamed, seeing how Yeonjun was comfortably seated beside me, one of my thighs between his legs. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FVCK?"

It's not like I want to hide our relationship. It's just that we already knew how they would react. Hence, we decided to tell them one by one after we start college again.

I genuinely wasn't thinking that anyone would find out.

"That's homosexual behavior, Yeonjun." Mingi said, his eyes wide.

Yeonjun smiled. "I'm aware."

All heads turned instantly, except for one. Beomgyu, who was half lying down, smirking.

"When did this happen?"

"Yeonjun is a homosexual?"

"How come I didn't know?"

"Soobin is getting married?"

"Oh so that's why this bish was treating Soobin differently."

"And I thought I imagined Yeonjun calling him darling."

"I knew there was something going on!"

Amidst the bombarding questions, Yeonjun took my hand and squeezed it gently.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't overwhelmed with my friend's reactions. But his proximity made me calm down.

Now that the people around me knew about us, somehow everything felt real.

As if our love was finally real.

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now