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Yeonjun's pov

"What do you think of me?"

The first thing Soobin said since entering the room. He sat in the middle of the bed, wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts that hung around his knees.


He blinked at me, his eyes serious but at the same time sparkling.

"What do you think of me?" He repeated, his stare not leaving my face.

I smiled at him, not knowing how to respond. "I think you are cute."

I was expecting Soobin to smile back or say something, anything, actually. What I wasn't expecting him to do was nod and lie down, fis face turned away from me.

I stood there, contemplating what I should do now. Did I say something wrong? Soobin is cute, and I said it. Was it inappropriate? Too much? Too little?.

Throwing my damp towel on the pile of dirty clothes in the corner, I climbed beside him, sitting with my pillow on my knees.

"Soobin?" I whispered as softly as possible. "What happened?"

He didn't respond.

I scooted closer to him and poked his shoulder. "Did I say something wrong?"

He shrugged, shaking his head. "No," he mumbled.

"Then what happened?"

"I'm tired." He replied. "I want to sleep."

Thirty minutes passed, and all I could think about was the boy lying next to me. His back turned on me. I wanted to let him sleep, really, but like this? When he is clearly upset about something? No, I can't.

Slowly getting up, hoping he didn't hear the creaking of bed, I tiptoed to the other side where he was facing. No lights were on, but the room wasn't dark. The moon was illuminating the space inside, making everything look blurry but beautiful.

I sat on the floor in front of him and noticed his scrunched eyelids. He's cute when pretending to sleep.

"I know you aren't asleep." I said, earning a subtle flinch from him.

After a minute or two, he very slowly fluttered his eyes open, one at a time.

I smiled at him and extended my arm to caress his cheek but stopped last second. Not now, Yeonjun, I told myself. Not now.

"Let's not go to bed feeling upset, ok?" I said, crossing my legs on the harf floor, trying to feel comfortable.

He nodded, his eyes blinking rapidly. And that's when I noticed a shiny tear drop roll from his eye and land on the pillow that looked wet.

"Soobinnie," the nickname left my lips before I even realised it. Soobin's eyes widened, but I ignored his stare and the heat in my cheeks. Instead, I diverted my attention back to his tears. Had he been crying this entire time?

"Umm," he sat up, his legs dropped on one side, hands on his knees, scratching the skin mindlessly.

"Soobin," I said once again, looking him in his eyes. "Did I do something?"

He shook his head, his hair flowing in all directions, making him look extremely attractive.

"Did I say something that upset you?" I asked cautiously. "Be honest."

He looked at his feet and slowly nodded, a pout forming on his lips.

"I'm sorry," I said, placing my hands over his, even though I wasn't sure what exactly I said wrong. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"It's not you," he mumbled, barely audible for me. "It's me."


Soobin slid down the bed and sat cross logged in front of him, the space between us smaller than a hand.

"I shouldn't have asked stupid questions in the first place." I whispered softly.

"No, you didn't." I said, grabbing his hands. "And Soobin, I'm not sure what happened, but can you tell me what exactly went wrong?"

He smiled. "You called me cute."

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. "Was I not supposed to call you cute? Do you not want me to call you cute? Just tell me, and I'll never -"

Supernova. That's what I experience in my veins every time Soobin kisses me. It feels as if the brightest star burst through my heart, the light illuminating my insides. That's how I would describe the feeling of his lips on mine.

It wasn't me who broke the kiss. It's never me. Why would it be me? I love his soft lips. But Soobin moved away almost immediately. He hid his face behind his palms.

He let out a sniff. "I'm sorry."

"Binnie," I said, holding his fingers and rubbing his skin. "It's OK."

We sat there for a minute, not speaking or even looking at each other. I just held his hands and let the boy calm himself down.

"I like you."


"I really like you, Yeonjun."

Silence. Once again.

"Please say something." He cried, tears rolling down his face. "Anything."

This time, it was my turn to kiss him.

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