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Yeonjun's pov

Pegasus is a well-known constellation in the northern sky, named after a winged horse in Greek mythology. In the Northern Hemisphere, the constellation is high in the sky starting near the end of summer and continuing through autumn. If you are below the equator, if you come from countries like Somalia, Brazil, and Indonesia, look for Pegasus in late winter and through spring. You will see it forming a square attached to a half-open benzene ring in the sky.

I wish I could find these constellations in the night sky as well. But it's impossible, considering the fact I'm in California where the sky is hidden behind a thick blanket of smoke. Pollution makes it harder to even spot one star.

Trying to locate stars and planets with my telescope is something I do to clear my head. Even though I'm not very lucky when it comes to star watching, I get to look at aircrafts that are flying. Better than a black sky.

Just like every other day, I was lounging in my study room, trying to find something, anything in the dark. Tonight was supposed to be chill. But nope, I cannot seem to catch a break.

I was midway through drawing an Ursa major on my sketchbook when my doorbell rang, startling me.

The clock read 22:30. As far as I know, Beomgyu said they won't be back before midnight.

Slipping my feet in my thongs, I climbed down the stairs and towards the door, opening it wide.

Changbin was standing outside my house with a very annoyed expression on his face.

" Hey Bro sup-"

"Shut up and help me" He walked back to his car and opened the door. "Come on, I don't have all day."

Confused, I decided to follow my friend and bent down to see what was inside the car.

"What the-"

In the back seat, three bodies were squished, toppling on top of one another. Beomgyu, Taehyun, and his annoying friend Kai. In the shotgun, a sweaty boy sat passed out, his body held securely with the seatbelt.

"Where and how?" I looked back at Changbin who rolled his eyes, before helping me prop Beomgyu up my shoulders.

"Avalon" Changbin picked up Taehyun with ease and walked beside me, carrying him in his arms. "Three were crazy drunk. One blacked out."

I nodded, helping a sleeping Beomgyu lie down on the couch next to his boyfriend.
"Help me bring them to bed."

Changbin sighed but he helped me nonetheless. I tucked Beomgyu and Taehyun in one bed and walked out, going back to the car to bring the remaining two boys inside.

I let Changbin guide Kai inside. He wasn't blacked out but in a trance.

I unbuckled Soobin from the front seat and slipped a hand underneath his thighs, my other hand holding him by the waist. He is surprisingly light for someone who is over 6 feet tall.

Soobin's head bopped up and down with each step, making me chuckle. He is cute.

"I'm taking him inside," I told Changbin. "He can take the empty bed in Beomgyu's room." I pointed at Kai and let Changbin take care of him.

Pushing the door open with my feet, I walked inside, carefully plopping Soobin on my bed. He squirmed a little but went back to sleep, soft snores coming from his mouth.

Leaving him to sleep, I walked back to the living room to find Changbin already waiting for me.

"Thanks, bro" I smiled at him and Changbin shrugged.

"It's fine. I'm glad I saw them."

"I thought you were studying for midterms at home." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I was. Minho and the group wanted to meet before he leaves for college."

"He moving?" Minho and I aren't friends, just mutuals via Changbin.

"Yeah, DC"

We chatted for a couple more minutes before Changbin drove away, promising to hang out with me and Wooyoung the next day.

After I had locked the main door and made sure that Beomgyu and group were sleeping peacefully in their assigned beds, I walked back to my room.

Shutting the door as softly as possible behind me, I stepped in, switching on the night lights.

I sat next to Soobin, thinking about whether or not I should change his clothes. Concluding that I should help him wear comfortable clothes, I opened my closet and pulled out a t-shirt and shorts for Soobin.

Soobin is skinny. Not very but my clothes were loose on him, making him look so small. I am aware that I should not touch him without his permission but his jeans and shirt looked extremely uncomfortable.

Draping the blanket over his legs and torso, my hands subconsciously patted his head. He is very cute.

"Good night Soobin."

I laid down beside him and turned off all the lights. My second time sleeping beside him. Even though he thinks I don't remember anything, I certainly do. My drunk self has crystal clear memory but if Soobin wants to ignore it, I will continue to pretend otherwise.



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MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now