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Yunho, Mingi, and I stood around San like hungry hawks. Hawks who were hungry for the tea that we were promised.

The four of us occupied our usual round table at the back of the library, well hidden from the librarian's sharp eyes.

"I have to confess something" San took a deep breath and rested his arms on the wooden table, looking each one of us in the eye.

Yunho was sitting at the edge of his chair, his legs bobbing up and down nervously. "I've been anticipating this since last night."

That's right. San had called us all on a conference call and told us to meet him at the library because he had a big revelation to make. I kind of already have a hunch and it's not just me. Mingi and Yunho also seem to have the same guess as me.

"I don't think I'm straight," San said, his voice low but clear. "Not anymore"

Mingi and Yunho high-fived. "Finalyy"

San smiled softly. "But I'm not gay either."

I nodded. "Bi," I said and San agreed.

"Yes. I think I'm bi" San said, looking at all of us. "I'm sure of it."

Yunho got up and gave him a tight hug and a pat on the shoulder. "I'm proud of you"

Mingi grinned at his friend. "Thanks for trusting us enough to confide in us."

San wiped his eyes and sniffled. "Thanks for accepting me." He mumbled, earning a low chuckle from Yunho.

"What are you talking about?" He wiped San's cheeks and gave them a squeeze. "We all are fruity here."

"Not Soobin though." Mingi pointed at me.

"Oh yeah," Yunho averted his attention in my direction. "You never mentioned your sexuality."

I feel a bit uncomfortable right now. Just a bit. I know they are my friends but I still don't feel like sharing the fact that I'm homosexual as well. Maybe it's okay to hide it for a little longer? Just a little while? But Beomgyu knows. Even his boyfriend knows. I think it won't hurt to share this secret with them? Am I overthinking?

"I-I" why am I stammering and why are they looking at me like that?

"I am actually..." Come on Soobin. Let's just say it out loud.

"I am g-"

"Hi, guys!!" A loud and cheerful voice caught my friends' attention, interrupting my sentence.

Wooyoung and Yeonjun were carrying multiple books in their hands, the black-haired boy waving at us and smiling brightly.

"What are you doing here?" Wooyoung asked, his hand automatically resting on the back of San's chair.

Yunho and Wooyoung started talking about how they were skipping class and just chilling and nobody paid any attention to what I was saying two seconds prior. I'll take this as a sign and wait till I feel 100% comfortable okay with coming out. Not gonna lie, I'm glad Wooyoung interrupted us. I think I would have regretted coming out when I wasn't completely sure. Bless this boy.

San sat frozen in his seat, Wooyoung's arm still resting on the back. He was trying but San was failing miserably at hiding the tiny blush that was dusting his cheeks. I can't believe I assumed he was annoyed whenever Wooyoung was near him. I need to learn more about body language I think.

"Here's the bell," Mingi said, getting up, and pulling Yunho along with him.

Yunho packed his bag while his boyfriend waited patiently for him. I saw Mingi and Yeonjun glaring at each other. As far as I know, Yunho would occasionally talk to Wooyoung's friend group but Mingi, well he hated Yeonjun and Changbin. He told me that himself. And I can assure you that Yeonjun and Changbin hated him just as much. For what reason I have no clue.

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now