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Yeonjun's pov

Soobin stood in the middle, looking around at our friends, not knowing where to go.

"Everyone has a group?" Wooyoung asked, his voice booming over everyone else's.

"Yes," Yunho and Felix replied, reapplying their sunscreen for the third time in the last ten minutes.

"Umm." Soobin ran a hand through his hair shyly and cleared his throat. "I don't ha-"

"Let's go!" Beomgyu cut him mid sentence and laced his arms with Felix' and Changbin's who looked so pissed, that for a second I thought he would smack my brother in the face.

"Oh," Soobin pouted and looked down, hitting a tiny pile of sand beside his feet.

The seven guys separated in groups of two's and three's, leaving us behind.

Picking up my bag and slinging it across my shoulders, I made my way to the boy, standing alone, looking lost like a puppy. Cute.

"I guess we are a team." I said, my hand automatically extending and ruffling his hair as if it were normal for me. Maybe it was?

He stiffened a bit before cracking a soft smile and showing his dimples. "Seems like it."

"Come on," I said and tugged his elbow, motioning for him to move forward.

Beach Treasure Hunt. A game Wooyoung and I came up with when we first visited Changbin's cabin. Since then, every time we come here, we always play our childhood games. You can never be too old to play treasure hunt, can you?

"How exactly do you win?" Soobin squinted his eyes and looked up at the sun blazing upon us.

"So you are sure you gonna win, huh?" I smirked, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Yeah, cause I got you as my partner." He flashed a smile and walked ahead of me. "You always win," he yelled and waved both his arms in the air, stretching his body.

I smirked, quickening my pace to match his. "I always win, you say?" I said, tickling his waist softly.

"Yah!" He giggled, grabbing both my hands to stop me from me from tickling him. "You do, Daniel." He said, laughing.

As soon as my name slipped out of his mouth, Soobin gave me a shy look and bit his lip very softly. As if he was teasing me.

He stepped closer and whispered in my ear.
"You always win, Daniel." He caressed my cheek and fixed my hair, his fingers staying for a fraction of a second longer than necessary. But I'm not complaining because it's Soobin. And I'm addicted to Soobin's touch.

The sun was shining down upon us, the ocean waves hitting the rocks, creating a rhythm. I love the beach. I'm one hundred percent sure that I used to be a fish in my past life.

"What am I looking for again?" Soobin called out to me from behind the giant rock, the top of his head visible from where I was standing. I could picture the frown on his face.

"A shiny shell." I yelled back. "Or a rock. But it has to be shiny."

The rules of the treasure hunt are simple. Find as many shiny objects as possible. If you find rocks, ten points. For shells, thirty. And sometimes we end up finding precious metals and crystals like that one time Changbin found a solid gold bracelet. He earned a hundred points even though he ended up giving the bracelet away.

Our game is really childish but extremely fun at the same time. I definitely recommend you to go treasure hunting with your friends whenever you visit the beach next.

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