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San sat beside Wooyoung who was busy eating his pasta, looking anywhere but at us. For the last fifteen minutes, he has been trying not to make eye contact with any of his friends.

"How long are you going to pretend that we are invisible?" Mingi said, staring at San who wouldn't acknowledge our presence.

"Yah, Choi San" Yunho snapped his fingers in front of him.

"Bro" I spoke, putting my apple juice down on the table. "Spill the beans."

San shook his head. Wooyoung noticed but he just chuckled, ruffling his head.

"See? This is what we wanna know." Yunho pointed first at Wooyoung and then at San, then back again at Wooyoung. "What's going on here?"

"You showed up together at homecoming yesterday," I said, squinting my eyes at him.

"And left together," Mingi added, catching my attention.

"Left together?" I gasped and he nodded.

"So let's get this clear. You arrived with him and left with him, holding hands. And the entire drive here you were glued together. " I emphasized the word hands, making San blush a little. "What's happening?"

Wooyoung chuckled, patting San's cheek. "We are married."


Five pairs of eyes popped out of their sockets, not believing a word that left Wooyoung's mouth.

"No, what the heck? We didn't marry" San said.

"So you don't want to marry me?" Wooyoung dramatically put his hand on his chest and wiped a tear.

"No! I mean, yes but not now!" San tried damage controlling.

"Haha, I know babe. I was joking." Wooyoung said and went back to eating his tomato sauce pasta.

"Babe!?" Yunho was shocked. All of us were actually.

"Yeah" San mumbled, playing with Wooyoung's fingers.

"Since when?" Mingi asked.

"Two nights ago."

"Woah. How did it happen?" Felix chirped.

"After the party, I told San that he should date me because he likes me and I obviously am in love with him so yeah, he said yes, and now we are dating," Wooyoung explained.

"It's this easy to get a boyfriend?" Felix asked Wooyoung.

"Of course. You can get one too." He replied, drinking his orange juice.

"I could never," Felix said, smiling sadly. "I'm not brave like you."

"It's okay, you will soon get yourself a man." Yunho patted his head lovingly.

Felix smiled, his eyes flickering towards the guy sitting beside Wooyoung for a split second who was busy doing something on his phone, completely ignoring everyone. Of course, no one noticed, except me and Beomgyu who was sitting beside me, smirking.

Last night's homecoming marked the end of our semester. Because I went home early, I missed out on the little meeting my friend group had regarding our week-long break.

Wooyoung and Yunho decided that it would be a nice change to go on a trip together. Near the beach. Everything was so last minute that today at 6 am in the morning, I woke up to Mingi and Beomgyu packing my bags for me.

The ride to Changbin's Beach lodge was a blur for me because I was half asleep. Felix said that I was so tired, Yunho had to carry me like a child.

"I'm so glad to have you as my sugar daddy," Wooyoung said, linking arms with Changbin who had a disgusted look on his face. "Thanks to you I get to enjoy my break in this huge ass house."

I always knew Changbin was rich, seeing how he always wore branded clothes, but I didn't know he was this rich. Man's family legit owned a private beach with an adjoining villa.

"Aww Sannie is sulking" Mingi teased the boy.

Wooyoung giggled, pecking his cheek. "You know I only love you." He said, intertwining their fingers. "Besides, Changbin isn't even pretty."

"Hey!" Changbin threw a slice of his orange at Wooyoung who caught it, popped it in his mouth, and winked.

"Obviously not as pretty as my San."

San sat beside him, blushing. From my observations, it was Wooyoung who fell first but it was definitely San who fell harder.

"Who wants to go swimming?" Mingi wiped his mouth and stood up.

"You just ate," Yunho said, trying to stop his boyfriend.

"Me!" Felix and Beomgyu sprang up not listening to Yunho yelling at them to not go swimming on a full stomach.

"Guess I'll just follow them," Yunho said, and walked out after the boys.

"Shall we go explore the Beach?" Wooyoung asked San who nodded. "What about you Soobin?"

"I'll pass," I said, yawning. "I want to sleep."

"Okay" Wooyoung got up, pulling Changbin with him. "We will see you later."

San waved at me and walked away.

I sat alone on the wooden chair in the open living area. I must say, the ocean looks pretty from here.

I found my way to one of the rooms and pushed the door open, stepping inside.

I didn't pay attention to any decorations or furniture because of how tired I was and wobbled to the bed, plopping myself on the soft mattress.

I turned to my side to grab the blanket but instead, my hands touched something soft. Something squishy. Something human-like.

A black-haired boy was sprawled under the heap of blankets, his face buried between two pillows.

"Yeonjun?" I whispered, not trying to wake him up.

He muttered something in his sleep and sighed. I don't think I've said this enough but Yeonjun is the cutest human in this world. His squishy cheeks and the tiny pout makes my heart melt. I think I'm in love with him.

Did I say that out loud?

I guess there is no point in hiding it anymore. Yes besties, I'm in love with Yeonjun. At least I think I am. Heck, I'm sure that I love him.

Is it too early? Am I reading my feelings incorrectly? Or is it because we fuvked last night that's why I'm feeling attached?

I don't know. In fact, I don't wanna know. Whatever it is, I like it. And my silly little crush that was about to go away? Let's just say, it's staying. For a very long time.


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