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We are back to Soobin's pov for the next remaining chapters!!

"I slept with Yeonjun,"

That was the first thing that I said to Beomgyu when I saw him early in the morning.

He rubbed his eyes and yawned, stirring his coffee.

"I slept with Yeonjun." I blurted out at a half awake figure who was looking at me with no sense of understanding.

"Yeah, i am aware that you two shared a room." Beomgyu said, walking over to the couch, slumping down on the fluffy cushions.

"No, not like that. I actually slept with him. As in fuvked him." Please, this was so embarrassing to say out loud.

"Naah, he fuvked you." Beomgyu smirked. "You are a bottom, babe."

I face palmed myself. "Beomgyu, I'm being serious here. I slept with him last night, and I've been sleeping with him for a while now."

As soon as i admitted this, Beomgyu started laughing. Really loudly, too.

"I know you were hooking up with him." He said, wiping the gunk out of his eyes with the back of his pinky finger.

"How did u you know?" I asked, my mouth literally hanging open.

"U r my best friend, and he is my brother." He said with a shrug of his shoulders. "And I'm not stupid."

So he knew. Did he hear anything unholy? That's embarrassing.

"Are you okay with us going out-?"

Beomgyu spat out his coffee and sprayed it all over my face.

"What the fvck?!" I yelled, wiping my eyes that was closed shut because of the coffee.

"Are you being serious?!" Beomgyu shouted, his mouth hanging open, a streak of coffee falling from his lips onto his shirt. Disgusting.

I rolled my eyes at him. Me sleeping with Yeonjun wasn't a big deal for him, but me going out with him is?

"Yes, I'm serious." I said, walking over to the kitchen sink and splashing water on my face. "Why would I lie?"

Beomgyu followed me and stood beside me, poking me on the shoulder. "I need details." He said, excitement dripping from his voice. "Did my ship just sail?."

Details you say? Alright, here we go. This is what happened last night.


The last thing I was expecting was Yeonjun to kiss me after I had announced my undying love for him. Obviously not undying love, but you know what I mean.

The way his lips grazed mine before he bit on the skin gently, our bodies molding together like liquid and his touch. Oh, how much I love Yeonjun's fingers caressing my skin, leaving invisible burn marks.

"Say that again," he whispered in my ear, breathing heavily. "What you just said."

I looked at him, staring deep in his eyes, my lips quivering ever so slightly.

"I like you." I said, anticipating his next move. "I really like you, Yeonjun."

Yeonjun. A playboy as many said, the guy who told me himself that he didn't like dating, heck, the guy who was strictly straight, was holding me and kissing me, mumbling the words I like you too over and over again. Until his words got embedded in my mind, that yes, Yeonjun liked me too. 

His kisses went from soft and sweet to hot and needy, his hands holding me by my shoulders gripping hard and his body squeezed against mine against the wooden bed frame.

"You are so pretty,"

He whispered, his hands roaming everywhere. Compliments slipping here and there. Words like beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, cute, magnificent, that soon turned to unholy moans. And I wasn't complaining.

Yeonjun is jacked. Like jacked JACKED. I have never seen someone so slim yet built like a fvcking boulder. He was so close to me, our skin grazing against each other, the fabrics covering out torso long removed. I could feel every ripple of his chest muscles every time he moved to thrust in me, my body succumbing to him.

"That's enough!" Beomgyu slapped me across the chest. "When I said details, I meant the details of your confession." He frowned at me. "I don't wanna know how you both fvck."

I grinned at him, stroking my hair as a habit. "Last night was thrilling.the way he filled me-"

I winked at him, earning a whine and a series of curse words from my best friend.

I was so busy with teasing Beomgyu that if he hadn't hugged me from behind, I wouldn't have noticed his presence in the room.

I felt soft pouty lips on my neck, a sturdy grip around my chest where my heart was throbbing like crazy.

"Morning," he mumbled against my skin, making me almost melt. "Darling."

Let's ignore the grammar/spelling errors and focus on the fact that we hit 15k?!?! Ya'll thank u so much for reading my books!!! I love you all!!

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