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"I thought you would be alseep by now"

A voice, soft and pretty low, spoke from behind me, almost startling me.

I was so engrossed in my book that I didn't even hear the engine of his car or the creak of the door opening. This is what happens when I read love stories. They get me hooked.

"Oh-hi Yeonjun" I gave him a little wave. "What time is it?"

"2 am I guess"

I smacked my forehead. I was supposed to sleep at 11.

"Is it that interesting?" He pointed at my book and sat down on his bed.

"Yeah, it's my favorite book" I replied watching him remove his jewelry very carefully.

"What is it about?" He asked me, putting his watch away in one of his bedside drawers.

"You wanna know?" I asked, eyes wide.

"Why not" he smiled. "I'm guessing it's really compelling if you stayed up this late to read it."

I had to look outside the window to hide my blush. Nobody ever asks me about the books I read, except San but he doesn't count because he is my friend.

"It's about Cupid" I whispered, not sure if Yeonjun was actually interested to know or was just being nice.

"I've heard about him" he stood in front of his dresser and brushed his blue locks. "Tell me more"

"Do you know that he had a lover?" I asked.

Yeonjun unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off, revealing his toned arms. He was wearing a tshirt too underneath.

"Nope" he said, switching his jeans with a lose pajama. I looked away at the right moment phew.

"Her name was Psyche." I began. "She was cursed later on by Cupid's mom"

"Why is Greek mythology so dramatic?" He said, plopping himself on his bed and wrapping himself in his blanket. Cute.

I chuckled. "It sure is"

"So" he looked at me, eyes filled with curiosity. "Cupid and Psyche. What happened to them?"

I took a deep breath and crossed my legs on the mattress, draping the blanket on me as well. I got as comfortable as it was possible on the floor and began telling the story I've always wanted to. The sad story of Cupid and his Psyche.

"Cupid is potrayed as a small boy with a magic bow and arrows that he uses to shoot love into people. But no, he is hot. Like really hot."

Yeonjun chuckled.

"Because he is the God of love, you would think that he would also have a healthy relationship with his lover but that's where we go wrong. Cupid's love story is considered to be the saddest and the most tragic after Orpheus and Eurydice. I'll tell you their story some other time. Let's focus on cupid today."

Yeonjun was smiling and he asked me to continue.

"Long long ago, Eros, who we all know as Cupid, lived with his mother Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love. Despite being a god, Aphrodite was never content with what she had. Just like the evil witch in snow white, she wanted to be the fairest and the prettiest maiden in the world. One day, Psyche, the youngest of three daughters of a King of ancient Greece, was famed for her unrivaled beauty, so much so that people began to call her Aphrodite. It didn’t take long for the real Aphrodite to hear of this and in a rage of envy, dispatched her son, Eros, to secretly administer a magic potion to Psyche, which would ascertain that no man would ever fall in love with her or desire to marry her. Very cruel if you ask me. "

"Eros did as he was told. However he made a mistake. He shot the woman with one of his arrows and boom! Psyche was under the charm of Eros himself. Agitated and wondering what to do about his blunder, Eros let go another arrow, this time shooting himself."

Yeonjun's lips formed an o shape as he listened intently.

"After that a lot of stuff went down. Her dad sent her to the oracle of Delphi and then to Apollo but I'm skipping this part otherwise I would have to explain the entire greek timeline and that would take days." I told him, earning a thumbs from him.

"Skipping to the part where Eros and Psyche are deep in love. Because Eros is a God, he only visits her at certain days and also, he never lets Psyche to look at his face. Sketchy I know. And that's the reason one night Psyche betrayed him and lit an oil lamp in the night to look at her husband. Actually, the idea was her sisters' but poor girl was as curious as all of us. So she didn't really think much about the consequences and let her sisters' guide her to the wrong path. They were jealous of her beauty, that's what."

By now, Yeonjun's eyes were drooping. He is really cute.

"Feeling betrayed, Eros rejects her apologies and swears he will never see him again. Once again, Aphrodite orders her servants to do shit and blah blah that resulted in Psyche drinking the sleep potion and falling asleep like sleeping beauty. Later Eros is able to find his true love and he uses his magical arrows to bring Psyche out of her trance-like sleep. After begging Zeus, Psyche is granted immortality and declared as the goddess of the human soul."

"You sure it's tragic?" Yeonjun tried to keep his eyes open. "It's a happy ending." He mumbled.

Or is it?

"I'm not sure. Some books say that Eros visited her regularly but some say that because he felt betrayed, he decided to only save her and never look at her face again. I believe in the latter theory. It's more realistic. More mythological. More greek-y if that's even a word."

I laugh at my made my vocabulary. I looked at Yeonjun whose eyes were closed. He was snoring softly.

"Good night Yeonjun" I whispered as quietly as possible.

Yeonjun hummed.

He is cute. Did I say that already?


Double update cause this book reached 1K views!!!

Ps. This chapter was written solely for the purpose of providing ya'll with a free history class

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