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People's day start with a cup of coffee, or toast, or breakfast that their moms cook for them. For some people, it's the chirping of birds or sunshine falling on their face. Lucky ones even get a good morning kiss from their lover.

But guess how my mornings start? Back when I was in high school, my day began with my mom's sandal on my face and my dad's shouts in my ear. And now that I'm in college, my mornings got replaced by multiple alarms and Beomgyu's screams. He was the only reason why I was always on time because I tended to sleep through my alarms. Bless him.

Today was not like my usual mornings. Today felt different. Today was awfully peaceful. No Beomgyu puncturing his lungs just to wake me up, no clattering of utensils. It was nice. Silence.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms, slowly getting up. The sun was shining outside, and its rays were illuminating the room. Yeonjun's room. I almost blushed thinking about last night. Even though the mattress was old, I felt well rested. Our little conversation still lingering in my mind. He looked so cute.

Yeonjun has an attached bathroom to the left of his room that has almost everything I need. I thought he would be one of those boys who use that 5 in 1 shampoo or bodywash, whatever you call it, but I was wrong. Yeonjun has two shelves dedicated to hair care. Hair creams, oils, three types of conditioners, and hair packs. I like this guy even more now.

After I was done showering and changing into a fresh set of clothes, I decided to go make myself some breakfast and check up on Beomgyu. I have a feeling he is still getting ready. Or worse, asleep.

I make my way to the living room to be met with two boys, busy doing their thing.

Yeonjun was half sitting half lying on the sofa, and his friend Wooyoung was helping him eat something out of a bowl. Judging from the blue haired boy's expression, whatever that was in the bowl tasted awful.

"You can not be picky right now," Wooyoung said, sounding frustrated. "Finish it."

Yeonjun whined. "It tastes like boiled pee."

I snickered, and that caught their attention.

"Soobin? What are you doing here?" Yeonjun's eyes were wide.

"You are skipping classes, huh?" Wooyoung teased.

Wait, what?

I whipped my phone out of my pants pocket and switched it on. 12.30

Fvck. I was supposed to be at college right now.
"Noo," I cried silently.

"Don't worry, you just missed two classes," Wooyoung said, going back to feeding Yeonjun whatever it was. "No big deal,"

"Yeonjun," I called out to the boy who hummed in response. "Is Beomgyu in his room?"

Yeonjun shook his head. "He left around 8.30 with Taehyun."

Oh. OH.

So that boy didn't bother to wake me up because he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend. Wait till I see him. I'll kill him.

"You can make it to your afternoon classes." Wooyound said. "They start after 1, right?"

I nodded. I guess he is right.

"I'm full." Yeonjun pushed Wooyoung away. "Can't eat more of it."

"You have to." Wooyoung sounded angry. "I drove all the way here just to make you porridge, and you won't eat it, you ungrateful brat."

"What happened?" I asked, and Wooyoung just sighed.

"Terrible hangover. Stomach ache." he pointed a finger at Yeonjun, who looked pale and uncomfortable.

I checked the time again. 12:41

Without wasting any time, I turned and walked to the kitchen. Opening drawers and cabinets, my hands quickly got to work.

"Wooyoung," I called out from the kitchen.

"Yes?" I replied back.

"Do me a favor and drive me to college please."


Walking from home to my uni takes around twenty minutes. But by car, it's just a nine minutes drive. During my first two weeks here, Yeonjun used to drive Beomgyu and I to college and then picked us up as well. However, because of our different schedules, we started taking public transport, which was fast but slower than Yeonjun's car.

"Sooo," Wooyoung said in a sing-song voice. "You can cook too?"

I nodded, feeling a bit shy. Thirty minutes ago, I had prepared some bean sprout soup and congee for the sick person at home, and Wooyoung won't stop teasing me about it.

"That's so cool," he smiled. "I wish I could cook like you."

Wooyoung is a nice person. Every time we have a conversation, he always makes sure that I'm comfortable and never fails to make me laugh. He is very friendly with everyone. Even though his friends don't usually socialize with my group, Wooyoung always comes up to us and greets us. In short, he is nice.

"Here we are." he pulled up in front of our college at exactly 1:05. Great.

"I hope we are on time." he stepped out and opened my door for me. What a gentleman.

"Don't worry. I still have ten minutes." I smiled at him.

I said thanks to him and watched him drive to the parking lot. But as soon as I turned around to walk through the gates, a familiar face greeted me.

He was watching me with eyes full of anger, and his fists were balled. 

"S-san." I tried to muster a smile. "Hey buddy."

He didn't say anything and walked back inside.

I'm so done with this boy.

"San wait," I jogged after him.

Today, I will find out what's up with him. He is starting to annoy me now.


Just a quick reminder: this book is going to be long. Like 30 chapters long.

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